Rust's latest Airborne update for September comes with a whole array of new additions. The majority of players are rejoicing at the vibrant quality of life change, and the bold additions developers have proceeded with in the September update. Out of these, the Attack Helicopter is undoubtedly the most attractive addition of them all.
This article will provide an in-depth guide on the Attack Helicopter and how players can use it for their benefit in the game. Read through the article below to learn more about this addition.
Attack Helicopter features in Rust
The Attack Helicopter is the latest addition to Rust's vehicle artillery lineup, following the Minicopter and the Scrap Helicopter. The most unique feature of the vehicle is that it can be used to deal damage while flying.
Being the only aerial vehicle able to deal damage, the Attack Helicopter features a special gunner seat that can take control of the front-loaded auto turret and the rocket pods loaded on the helicopter.
The Attack Heli can carry multiple stacks of ammunition with the auto turret module, and can further use HV Rockets and Incendiary Rockets for its rocket pod module. Furthermore, the gunner also has access to a visual HUD, which they can use to target enemies and destructible structures.
The Attack Helicopter possesses 850 HP and is reparable with mere metal fragments.
How to use the Attack Helicopter in Rust

The Attack Helicopter has two seats, one each for the Pilot and the Gunner, who have distinct roles.
As the name suggests, the Pilot's primary objective is to fly the vehicle safely across the skies. The mobility and handling the Attack Helicopter offers are much like that of the Minicopter, however, its speed is definitely on the lower side.
The Pilot also has the ability to fire rockets and shoot rounds of ammunition using the auto turret using the left mouse button by default. However, unlike the Gunner, they lack access to the targeting HUD, which provides an accurate display of where the targeted ammunition is going to hit.
The Gunner will be the main firearms expert in the chopper. With access to a dynamic targeting HUD, players can accurately deploy rockets and dump rounds of ammunition on enemy teams and any destructible structures.
Another special role the Gunner has is of keeping the helicopter safe from enemy fire. With flares in hand or in inventory, the Gunner can potentially deflect any oncoming homing rockets from the newly launched homing rocket launcher.
What is the price of the Attack Helicopter in Rust?

The Attack Helicopter in Rust can be purchased for a price of 2250 scrap. It is solely available in the Air Wolf store at the Bandit Camp.
For players who have access to modded servers, the Air Wolf stores are often accessible in Outpost. However, for those who solely queue up in vanilla servers, this purchase can only be made at Bandit Camp.