The arrival of the Witch Queen expansion in Destiny 2 introduced Guardians to their first reworked light subclass: Void. Using new things like Aspects and Fragments allowed players to make more builds that work in tandem with their play style. This rework also allowed Hunter mains to access all of the buffs that were previously locked behind specific classes and subclasses.
This comprehensive guide explores the five best Void Fragments specifically tailored for Warlocks in Destiny 2. These fragments will help you unlock the true potential of your Nightstalker Hunter's Void abilities.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Echo Of Cessation and 4 more Void Fragments for Hunters to showcase the power of Void 3.0 in Destiny 2
Before diving into the Fragments and their potency in the playground of Destiny 2, make sure you understand all the new terms Bungie introduced with the Void 3.0 update.
The new Void terms include:
- Devour: Returns entire health and grenade energy on every final blow.
- Invisibility: Makes you disappear from sight and radar. Performing offensive actions will end Invisibility.
- Void Overshield: Provides a protective barrier, reducing damage taken from enemies.
- Suppressed: It makes PvE enemies unable to shoot. It takes PvP Guardians out of any active abilities and stops them from activating any abilities or movement modes. It also stuns Overload Champions.
- Volatile: Enemies affected by this debuff will explode upon taking additional damage.
- Weaken: Enemies will take increased damage and has their movement speed slowed. Afflicted combatants have difficulty firing accurately.
1) Echo of Cessation

First, we have Echo Of Cessation, an excellent Fragment for Nightstalker Hunters in Destiny 2. While using this Void Fragment, the finisher’s final blows create a Void damage burst to nearby combatants, making them Volatile. Furthermore, it also drops Void Breach upon defeating Volatile targets.
Although it's a great Fragment for low-tier content where you can easily use finishers, you need something more to justify it in high-tier content. This is where Gyrfalcons Hauberk comes into the picture. Pairing this Fragment with the Stylish Executioner Aspect and Gyrfalcons Hauberk exotic will offer you an S-tier Void Synergy for your next Nightstalker Hunters build in Destiny 2.
2) Echo of Undermining

Echo of Undermining is the perfect pick in Destiny 2 if you're a fan of grenades and want to make a build around them. It enhances your Void grenades and allows them to weaken the enemies.
In terms of weakening effect, Echo of Undermining provides a 15 percent weaken effect in PvE and 7.5 percent in PvP. Furthermore, persistent grenades like Vortex Grenade, Void Wall, Void Spike, and Axion Bolt also continuously debuff all enemies in their AOE.
Despite being one of the best Void Fragments, Echo of Undermining comes with a massive trade-off of -20 Discipline. To mitigate that reduction of Discipline and use this Fragment to make an S-tier Void build, make sure to use loads of Discipline mods in your build.
3) Echo of Instability

With the reworked Void subclass, Bungie presented a lot of buffs and debuffs in Destiny 2. Volatile is one of the best debuffs Hunters can use inside the PvP and PvE content of Destiny 2.
Like Echo of Undermining, this Void Fragment also revolves around enhancing the grenades to their maximum potential. It allows grenades to apply Volatile Rounds to Void weapons upon defeating targets with grenades.
However, this is not the only upside of using Echo of Undermining; it also comes with a +10 increase in Strength.
Before making a Void Hunter build, remember to pair it with Echo of Undermining and Vortex grenades. This combo will make your Nightstalker Hunter end-game build ready by enhancing your grenades to their maximum potential in Destiny 2.
4) Echo of Starvation

Next, we have Echo Of Starvation, another great Fragment for Nightstalker Hunters. It focuses on granting you little wells of Void known as Void Breach. These little wells of Void provide class ability energy upon pickup by default, but pairing the Fragment with Echo Of Starvation also allows it to provide Devour.
Nightstalker Hunters using Echo Of Starvation can also pair this Fragment with Echo Of Persistence and Vanishing Step to make a heal-invisible build in Destiny 2.
5) Echo of Persistence

Echo of Persistence revolves around all the Void buffs applied to a Guardian. This Void Fragment enhances all the Void Buffs, including Overshield, Devour, and Invisibility.
For Nightstalker Hunter, Echo of Persistence is a must-pick Void Fragment for its effectiveness in both the PvP and PvE content of Destiny 2. To make a build with this Fragment, pair it with the Vanishing Step Aspect.