Ark Survival Ascended revolves around taming monsters and exploring the mysterious island. While players focus primarily on domesticating large dinosaurs that can help them survive the island's harsh conditions, they often underestimate the little carriable monsters, also known as shoulder pets. These shoulder pets can be helpful during PvEs and farming because of their unique abilities.
While stranded on an island and trying to survive, players must take as much help as possible from the critters around them. These pets are useful to players in their own way, with some being more beneficial than others. That said, here's a list of the best shoulder pets in Ark Survival Ascended.
Otter, Microraptor, and 3 other best shoulder pets in Ark Survival Ascended
1) Mesopithecus
Mesopithecus is a monkey-like shoulder pet in Ark Survival Ascended. When carried by players, the critter's weight decreases by half, allowing players to carry more while having the monster. Mesipithecus can farm resources when set to wander. The beast can further be used to attack other bases as it can open up the base from the inside due to its ability to unlock thatch and wooden constructions.
This shoulder pet can further be used during PvP as PvE as it throws feces on aggressive dinosaurs, poisoning them and slowing them down, making these vicious creatures vulnerable to attacks.
2) Ichthyornis
Ichthyornis is known for its ability to farm fish in Ark Survival Ascended. The flying shoulder pet can help farm a large number of fish after players command it to hunt and retrieve in the early game. The shoulder pet can come in handy for players who want to play the game passively by farming and taming, as it can provide fish and prime fish meat. The weight of this critter is decreased by half when carried.
Ichthyornis is one of the most annoying monsters in Ark Survival Ascended because of its ability to steal from other players while inflicting minor damage on them. This ability makes Ichthyornis an excellent pet to have during PvP scenarios.
3) Otter
Otter is one of the most beneficial shoulder pets in Ark Survival Ascended for beginners. While the list focuses on pets that can help players through their survival journey on the island, one cannot overlook this pet's adorability. It can also provide players with insulation when carried and gives passive insulation to all the players nearby, protecting them from cold.
Otter can be extremely useful while fighting against bosses like Megapithecus. It can further provide players with items like Silica and Black pearls, which can be used for crafting in Ark Survival Ascended. The pet is useful for beginners as it can provide them with a constant supply of edible resources.
4) Microraptor
Microraptor is extremely valuable for players who like to participate in PvPs, as it can dismount players from their dinosaurs. This shoulder pet has admirable health and melee damage and can stun enemies after striking them. The ability to dismount enemy players can be taught to the critter after taming it. This can be helpful during battles, as knocking down an enemy from their dinosaurs can secure an easy win.
While the shoulder pet shows great potential during PvP in Ark Survival Ascended, it has little use in PvE. Microraptors are also one of the fastest creatures on the island, which allows these creatures to quickly knock down and stun their opponents, leaving them open for damage. Their speed makes them very hard to kill, giving players more reason to carry them before jumping into a PvP.
5) Dimorphodon
Dimorphodon has the most health and weight among all the shoulder pets in Ark Survival Ascended, making it formidable during battles. Its weight is reduced by half when carried by players, allowing them to carry other resources. The shoulder pet can be helpful during PvP and PvE battles as it can attack dinosaurs, damaging the beast as well as the players mounting it.
It can also be used for going inside caves, one of the most essential things to do in Ark Survival Ascended, as players can find special artifacts and battle bosses in the caves. These caves are full of critters, and one cannot take large tames inside some of them. In this regard, Dimorphodon can help players deal swiftly with the cave mobs. Players must use it as a battle dinosaur, as it can deal exponential damage while being difficult to deal with.