Squadron vehicles in War Thunder are special rides that you can obtain via squadron research points or with the Golden Eagles premium currency. To research a Squadron vehicle, you first need to be part of an active squadron. Then, you must select the vehicle you want to research. Research points will be awarded every three days depending on the squadron's activity.
There are numerous Squadron vehicles available in the game, and picking the best ones is a difficult task. Nevertheless, this article lists five that stand out from the rest due to various features.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer.
Which are the five best Squadron vehicles in War Thunder?
1) BMP-2M

The BMP-2M is a BR 10.0 light tank in War Thunder's USSR tech tree. It is equipped with the 20mm 2A42 auto-cannon, which can fire APDS and APFSDS projectiles with a fire rate of 550 rounds per minute. It also has four missile launchers, which can fire up to eight tandem warhead anti-tank guided missiles or variable time fuse-guided missiles for air targets.
The BMP-2M can also travel at speeds of up to 65 km/h. Its firepower and mobility, combined with its second-generation thermal optics, make it not just one of the best Squadron vehicles but also among the best IFVs in the game.
2) Bhishma TWMP

The Bhishma TWMP is a BR 10.3 main battle tank in the British tech tree. Anyone familiar with the T-90A in the USSR tech tree knows that it is a well-armored tank with great firepower. This Squadron vehicle is identical to the T-90A in almost all aspects. The only things it lacks are the 'Shtora' active protection system and the 3BM60 APFSDS shell.
However, the Bhishma TWMP sits at a lower BR than the T-90A, which is at 10.7. Its position in BR 10.3 makes it an extremely formidable tank, especially in downtiers.
In a downtier, the Bhishma TWMP's 3BM42 APFSDS can go through virtually every other tank it might face. Many tanks would struggle to penetrate its robust armor.
3) M1A1 AIM

The M1A1 AIM is a BR 11.3 American main battle tank in War Thunder. Like most of the other Abrams variants in the game, it is a formidable fighting vehicle. Its 120mm M256 cannon can fire multi-purpose HEAT shells and the very powerful KE-W APFSDS shell.
The M1A1 AIM has strong armor, and most tanks can't penetrate its turret cheeks, It also has excellent transmission, with maximum speeds of up to 68 km/h when going forward and 38 km/h in reverse. This makes it very easy for it to get into a position, engage an enemy, and then quickly go back into cover.
The armor, firepower, and mobility of the M1A1 AIM, along with its second-generation thermal sights, make it better than other contemporary squadron vehicles like the T-80UK.
4) F-5E FCU

The F-5E FCU is a BR 11.0 jet fighter in the Japanese tech tree. It is the newest Squadron vehicle in the game and was added during the Alpha Strike update. It is extremely maneuverable, like all other F-5 variants, which makes it a great dogfighter.
The F-5E FCU has a wide array of air-to-air and air-to-ground armamanet. It comes with two 20mm M39A3 cannons and can carry air-to-air missiles like the Python 3. For attacking ground targets, it can carry up to four AGM-65B air-to-ground missiles and various dumb bombs.
The F-5E FCU also gets ballistic computers for cannons, rockets, and bombs, making it a great multi-role aircraft.
5) Me 262 A-1a/U1

The Me 262 A-1a/U1 is a BR 7.3 German strike aircraft that can also double as a fighter. In addition to the regular 20mm and 30mm cannons, this plane is also equipped with two 30mm Mk-103 cannons, which can fire armor-piercing rounds that can even take out heavy tanks from the top.
In air battles, the Me 262 A-1a/U1 is not the most maneuverable, but the high-explosive incendiary and fragmentation shells from its 30mm cannons can take down enemy aircraft with just a couple of hits.
The Me 262 A-1a/U1 is a great aircraft to use for head-on and boom-and-zoom attacks. In the right hands, this plane can take out most of the vehicles it faces.
There are other great Squadron vehicles in War Thunder, but these five stand out from the rest. Keep in mind that this title requires strategic gameplay and that no vehicle is perfect. Even though these options might be great, they won't be useful if they aren't played according to their strengths.
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