Barring Tenet Arca Plasmor, Cedo is Warframe's most popular shotgun right now. Had the nerfs to ammo economy for area-of-effect weapons been more significant, Cedo might as well have been among the top five popular weapons in the game.
It is an exemplary sample of good weapon design that requires engagement but rewards correct usage greatly, something Warframe often struggles to deliver.
The signature weapon of the Lavos Warframe, Cedo, can be acquired by reaching maximum standing rank (Rank 5 - Family) with the Entrati in Necralisk.
Alternatively, you can purchase Cedo and all of its parts from other players via in-game trading in exchange for Platinum. However, you should note that this option is also only available to players with Mastery Rank 8 or above.
Warframe Cedo stats and playstyle

The normal attack of Cedo is an auto-trigger shotgun with 6 pellets. While it does offer high base damage per shot and decent critical stats, its range is limited, similar to most shotguns.
The damage falloff allows for full damage for targets closer than 26m. Thereafter, point damage starts to steadily decrease up to 52m, whenceforth targets only receive roughly 3% of the damage.
The big gimmick for Cedo, however, is its alternate fire, which launches a disc with a 50% status chance. This disc has the following properties:
- Does not cost ammunition
- Automatically seeks out targets and bounces between 11 targets before returning to you
- The number of discs is affected by Multishot mods
- In addition to its status chance procs, it has two extra guaranteed status procs
- One of the guaranteed procs is based on modded damage types, while the second proc randomly chooses one of the four base elemental damage types
This synergizes with Cedo's other unique passive trait. The regular attacks from this shotgun deal 60% extra damage for every unique status effect currently affecting the desired target.
Warframe Cedo endgame build for Steel Path

Cedo's unique per-status damage increment is inspired by Condition Overload for the melee and a subset of Galvanized mods, also known as Gun-CO. This passive trait also stacks additively with the mod itself (Galvanized Savvy).
Together with Primary Merciless, Galvanized Savvy eliminates all concerns for base damage, even on Steel Path. Your mod build should instead focus on covering other bases: fire rate, multishot, critical chance, critical damage, and optionally reload speed with Chilling Reload or a Riven mod.
With Chilling Reload, Malignant Force, and Hunter Munitions, Cedo naturally plays into the Viral-Slash meta. While the primary fire itself can whittle down armored Steel Path targets with Slash procs, the alt-fire is great at priming enemies with Viral in an area.
Cedo has the following synergies with Warframes:
- Cedo synergizes naturally with Lavos, given that his Catalyze gains more damage with additional status types.
- A good number of Warframes who can proc status effects have built-in synergy with Cedo.
- Mesa's Ballistic Battery, with its augment mod, can turn Cedo into a red crit monster.
A special mention must be made for Saryn. If you have Venom Dose, not only can she buff Cedo with both extra standalone Toxin with Toxic Lash and extra Corrosive element, but Cedo is also a great Spore-spreader for Saryn.