Warframe Incarnon Latron is lauded by the community as one of the most powerful weapons from the Incarnon Genesis system. Introduced with the Duviri Paradox update, this system allows the player to add some much-needed firepower to legacy weapons, bringing them on par with the most potent weapons of the current meta. Like the prototype Incarnon weapons from Angels of The Zariman, Incarnon Latron also features two firing modes.
The regular mode is good old Latron with a buffet of stat boosts, which can charge the Incarnon mode by scoring headshots. In contrast, the Incarnon mode modifies the projectile from a hitscan round of bullets into pulses of destruction, similar to Arca Plasmor.
Warframe Incarnon Latron crafting guide

All Incarnon Genesis weapons require two ingredients: the weapon itself and the specific Incarnon Genesis Adapter. Warframe Incarnon Latron is no different in this regard. It will work on any of the two other variants of Latron, namely Latron Prime and Latron Wraith.
The Latron Incarnon Genesis Adapter, on the other hand, can only be obtained by playing The Circuit in Steel Path mode. It will only appear as a potential reward on Rotation C (week 3), meaning you will be required to wait a few weeks if you miss this rotation.
Once you have both, you can take it to Cavalero in Chrysalith, Zariman Ten-Zero, to have the Incarnon Genesis Adapter planted and then select its Evolution perks. The process costs a good amount of Duviri-exclusive resources, including Pathos Clamps.
Best Warframe Incarnon Latron mod build and evolution perks (2023)

Thanks to the already serviceable base critical chance of the Latron Prime, the best build for the Incarnon Latron should be critical-centric. The optimal Evolution path for this is Riddled Target (Evolution II), Marksman's Hand (Evolution III), and Critical Parallel (Evolution IV).
The optimal build in the current Warframe meta will always favor some form of scaling through Slash damage with Viral procs. An elemental mod combination with Malignant Force and Primed Cryo Rounds can set up for the Viral procs, while Hunter Munitions will allow you to get a good deal of Slash procs on critical hits.
The rest of the build is to pan out critical damage, critical chance, and multishot. If you get a Riven for this weapon, a good roll should also combine the above.
Due to the already high base damage and the tendency for a higher tier of crits (orange and some reds), this build will dispatch Steel Path targets easily. However, if you want extra mileage for level cap endurance runs, you can add a faction damage mod for the right faction to benefit from the double-dip on the Slash ticks.