The next class, Dosa, was revealed to Black Desert Online fans at their recent event, the Heidel Ball in Beynac-et-Cazenac, France. While there were many exciting announcements, from the Hardcore Server for the more competitive PVP players, to a Prequel Expansion, that takes place thousands of years before the current story, perhaps the biggest reveal was this interesting new class.
Wielding a Hwando blade and sporting a Gombangdae pipe, the Dosa class in Black Desert Online breathes allies into existence. The 28th class coming to the game, it appears he combines gameplay using a large sword, as well as summoning powers, through the pipe he carries with him. It will be interesting to see where it falls in the next BDO tier list.
What is the Dosa in Black Desert Online?
The Dosa class will join Black Desert Online on the July 3, 2024 update. His primary weapon, the Hwando delivers powerful, swift, heat-filled attacks to his enemies, and while we’ve only seen a little of what it can do, it appears it will be a pretty serious damage dealer. However, that’s not all this character can do.
The pipe is his sub-weapon, and uses Do arts to summon clouds of smoke that protect him in battle. This is through the Warriors of Fog that are conjured from the smoke, that will shield him from incoming attacks. He combines Luminous power (Sword) and Umbral power (Pipe) to create the mighty Taeguk force.

The pipe is more than just a defensive tool, though. Depending on the number of enemies, the Warriors of Fog react differently, and we see a few movements, such as two soldiers striking with huge polearms.
The developer commentary showed the Dosa in Black Desert Online dealing a huge series of arcing blows that also billowed smoke in addition to the aura the Hwando normally has when striking.
The developer also said that it should be a good class for both beginners and advanced players, as the gameplay showed off the Dosa teleporting and darting around using the fog from the pipe. The full skillset is currently unknown, but it does promise to be a very interesting offering.
Fans won’t have to wait long, either. Dosa launches into Black Desert Online with the July 3, 2024 update. Other huge updates are on the way, such as a sequel to Land of the Morning Light, which is scheduled for a Fall 2024 release for global players.