Despite its beautiful storyline and amazing endgame activities, Destiny 2 is famous for innumerable glitches that often plague playthroughs. These glitches usually revolve around a broken gameplay mechanic that allows players to gain an unfair advantage during activities or melt bosses without batting an eye.
What's more interesting is that these glitches don't require the usage of any third-party software; they simply trick the game's code into behaving in a bizarre way. Thanks to an ornament glitch recently spotted in the game, Bungie has disabled the game's loadout system for now.
Destiny 2 loadouts disabled after ornament glitch causes game crashes
As seen in a video uploaded by popular content creator Cheese Forever, Destiny 2 would crash the moment players swapped between two items. In the video, the game crashes if one swaps between the Xenophage and a Sword.
However, unlike most instances, this change causes the entire lobby to crash. It's unclear how this is tied to the Destiny 2 loadout system, but considering the system allows players to swap between weapons fairly quickly, it's understandable why they would want to do that.
It's currently unclear when the developers are planning on issuing a fix, but there's a high chance of it coming alongside the new season scheduled to go live tomorrow. Until the fix is deployed, the loadout system will remain locked.
Here's why this glitch is a problem: players can exploit it and cause the game to crash for their entire lobby if the match isn't going in their favor. Given that it's a glitch and everyone's game crashes, Bungie will most likely not impose any penalties. This is an ideal way for players to abandon an unfavorable match without any repercussions.
This isn't the first occurrence of a game-breaking glitch. But it marks the first time developers have had to disable an integral mechanic, such as the Destiny 2 loadout system, to combat such an issue.
Many players have called Season of the Deep a bug fest. From unstable servers to problematic glitches, a lot has gone wrong over the course of the season. With The Final Shape soon approaching, Bungie has very little time on its hands to fix any remaining issues.