Blizzard Entertainment's renowned RPG franchise is set to release its fourth entry in the series with Diablo 4. While many cannot wait to traverse the dark world of Sanctuary with their friends, some fans prefer playing it alone. This is a reasonable choice, as slaying monsters on your own can be a great stress reliever. However, can you actually play and complete the game solo?
Diablo 4 allows solo endeavors
Although many players have been skeptical about how Blizzard Entertainment is preparing a more "MMO-esque" system for Diablo 4, most of the game is still playable solo, apart from a few world bosses. It can also be completed without anybody else's help.
Players can delve into most quests, rewards, and achievements without any assistance so long as they have the abilities and equipment necessary. The story progresses the same, and the difficulty is still determined by the world tier, so you won't have to worry about the game heightening that aspect during solo sessions.
However, keep in mind that individual runs won't turn off the game's online features. There's a chance you'll still be visited by other players, asked to join dungeon-crawling parties, or even pulled into fighting a world boss like Ashava. Although some of these bosses can be defeated solo, only the absolute strongest, most determined players will be able to do so.
What classes are best for solo play?
While some players would suggest going for the Sorcerer or the Necromancer, the ideal pick when going solo would be a balanced character who deals high damage and is quick on their feet, like the Rogue.
This particular class is extremely effective in solo play due to its consistent damage output and multiple attack options. Many popular Diablo 4 Twitch streamers, like Wudijo, also praised the Rogue class for its incredible usefulness in battle.
Combining this class with the right skills, gems, and gear is your best bet during lone endeavors in Diablo 4. That being said, make sure you create a build that best suits your gameplay.
If you ever change your mind, however, always remember that it's always better knowing that someone has your back during bloody battles. Don't hesitate to ask a friend to pick up the controller and couch co-op with you in the game. That is if you're playing on a console, of course.
Either way, should you choose to play the game solo, keep in mind that you'll have to slay evil demons, defeat bosses, and complete objectives alone. So, if you're confident that you can do all of these things, then, by all means, go for it.