Centrifuse is the newest Exotic weapon in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep, and is an Arc Auto Rifle. However, Bungie seems to have added some unique perks, allowing it to reload the magazine slowly by itself. This helps in tight situations, especially when players have a lot of mobs to kill.
The following article lists everything regarding the new Arc Auto Rifle, from its intrinsic perk to its catalyst. Similar to any seasonal Exotics, players will need to acquire the Season Pass first, then head to Banshee and retrieve the catalyst quest.
This time, the questline, Higher Voltage, requires everyone to score Arc kills in general, alongside calibrations using the Exotic weapon itself.
How to obtain Centrifuse and its catalyst in Destiny 2 Season of the Deep
1) How to get Centrifuse and its catalyst
As mentioned, the Centrifuse can be obtained from Seasonal Pass, both from the free and paid tier. While those who paid for the subsctiption can acquire it from level 1, F2P players must level their Battle Pass up to level 35. The quest for the catalyst will unlock only after the weapon has been added to a character's collection.
Head to the Tower and talk to Banshee to obtain the catalyst quest. The Higher Voltage quest consists of three steps, which are as follows:
- Rebuild the Centrifuse's catalyst by rapidly defeating targets and defeating them with Arc final blows. This can be done by either Arc abilities or weapons. Some of the best sources of damage can include Arc Grenades with jolt Fragments, Forbearance with Chain Reaction, Arc Machine Guns, and more.
- Calibrate data and defeat targets using Centrifuse. Calibration can occur after completing any of the three ritual activities, alongside seasonal playlist activities. Bonus progression can be earned via high-tier Nightfall, wins in Crucible and Gambit, and defeating opposing Guardians.
Once you follow and complete the aforementioned steps, talk to Banshee again to complete the final step of the mission, and the catalyst will be given for your weapon. To fully masterwork, you must score a total of 700 kills, which is easy to achieve with the weapon's perk.
Based on Destiny 2 API, the catalyst of the weapon states the following:
"Static buildup: While amplified, this weapon gradually gains overcharge."
The following point will guide you through the Centrifuse's intrinsic perks and more.
2) Centrifuse perks description
Like many Exotic weapons, the Centrifuse can activate two perks simultaneously. One is called Regenerative Motion, and it gradually reloads the weapon upon sprinting. Meanwhile, the other is called Overcharge Capacitor, which helps in building an additional weapon charge upon firing, sliding, and sprinting.
You can also create additional explosions after killing enemies with high charge, while final blows with maximum charge can cause explosions.