The first boss of the Crota's End Raid, Ir Yut, is quite the challenge for Destiny 2 players. The Deathsinger is a formidable opponent both in terms of her damage phase and encounter mechanics. Just like in the previous two encounters, Bungie has tuned up the difficulty by a significant amount.
The following article will guide you through the basics of the Ir Yut, the Deathsinger boss, alongside all the mechanics to start the damage phase. The pattern of executing each mechanic is pretty linear here compared to the previous encounters, so having assigned players to do tasks can make things easy.
Disclaimer: This guide is based on the assumption of Abyss and The Bridge clearance, alongside the fact that you're already accustomed to Enlightened and Chalice buffs.
Destiny 2 Crota's End Ir Yut boss encounter overview and mechanics
Here is a step-by-step guide on the mechanics tied to the Ir Yut, the Deathsinger boss encounter in Destiny 2 Crota's End:
- Start the encounter by killing the first two Knights near the entrance.
- The Chalice of Light buff needs to be switched here as well for the Enlightened buff, preferably between three players.
- Unique enemies called Shieldsinger Wizards will spawn in random towers across the arena.
- The towers will have a green barrier, which can be bypassed by "Enlightened" players.
- Killing the Shieldsinger Wizards will start a countdown called Dark Liturgy.
- All of the Shieldsinger Wizards need to be killed during the timer, followed by damaging the boss.
- Less time taken to kill the Shieldsinger Wizards will automatically mean more DPS windows on the boss.
- Dark Liturgy stays active for 45 seconds.

Three players in the fireteam need to be assigned to Chalice/Enlightened and Shieldsinger Wizard-killing duty. The rest of the three players should clear everything in the arena, including Shriekers, Knights, Thralls, and more. The three Chalice carriers should immediately focus on Shieldsinger Wizards in the arena, and one player should call out the locations of these Wizards to make the process faster.

Entering the wrong room/Tower will spawn a Shrieker, while the correct rooms will have the Wizards. Once all Shieldsinger Wizards die, everyone can shift their attention toward the primary boss. It should be noted that more Wizards tend to spawn after each DPS phase, so providing complete six-player attention to the Wizards before the damage phase isn't a bad idea.
Tips and tricks to defeat the Ir Yut boss encounter in Destiny 2 Crota's End
Well of Radiance and Ward of Dawn are essential to any boss encounter, making them viable here as well. Divinity is a good choice on this Wizard boss, paired with Rocket Launchers and Linear Fusion Rifles. However, for elite Knights, Shriekers, and Wizard mobs, having a Sniper Rifle or a Fusion can prove to be effective too.
Wish Ender, on the other hand, can help players see which enemies are hiding in each room, saving a lot of time for DPS.
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