Destiny 2 comprises a vast range of powerful weapons. Among them, bows are one of the most unique and potent weapon types that players can utilize inside various contents. Although many bows are available, only ten are Exotics with exceptional perks and utilities. These Exotics were never the meta-defining weapons, but due to the unique catalysts and several buffs they got in recent years, they made a strong comeback inside the PvP and PvE content of Destiny 2.
This article lists every Exotic bow you can find inside Destiny 2 alongside their Exotic perks and traits. This will help you save time and choose a perfect weapon for your builds.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
Tier list for Destiny 2 Exotic Bows

SS tier
This tier is undoubtedly the best tier of all. The Exotic bows under this list have great perks and traits that offer extreme potency inside both the PvE and PvP content of Destiny 2. However, Guardians can use these Exotic bows with any of their builds and get the same result, making them a must-have.
1) Le Monarque
Exotic Perk: Firing after a full draw, shoot poison arrows. Once the perk activates, hitting precision shots can stun the combatant and spread poison to nearby ones. It can also stun Overload Champions.
Trait: It comes with Snapshot Sights, which can speed up the aim-down sight time.
2) Trinity Ghoul
Exotic Perk: When released, the arrow splits into multiple halves. However, one can decrease the spread by fully drawing the bow and aiming down sights.
Trait: The Lightning Rod trait it comes with provides chain-lightning capabilities after a Precision kill.
S tier
Exotic bows, classified in the S-tier, exhibit significant potency and niche use cases in the various end-game contents of Destiny 2. Although these are in no way inferior to the SS tier, they still need to gain some usefulness in some specific situations.
However, pairing these bows with their synergistic Exotic armor and build can fill the gap and make them more useful.
1) Wish-Keeper
Exotic Perk: Hitting precise hits and finishing blows builds energy towards a Snareweaver arrow that can be fired from the hip. These Snareweaver arrows can create a pattern of traps upon impact that also suspend nearby targets.
Trait: The trait Silkbound Slayer involves dealing bonus damage to suspended targets. It also comes with faster draw time for a short duration after stopping a target from any source or damaging a suspended target with this bow.
2) Leviathan's Breath
Exotic Perk: It fires a huge energy bolt that can stun combatants with no shields. It can also stun Unstoppable Champions.
Trait: The trait Leviathan's Sigh creates a sizeable concussive blast that knocks combatants back with fully drawn arrows.
A tier
The Exotic bows in this list are excellent bows that offer a balanced level of strength. Although these bows are not at the apex of the meta like the SS and S tiers, they are still very niche and situationally powerful inside different contents of Destiny 2.
1) Wish-Ender
Exotic Perk: With a fully drawn Bow, it can see through walls. The bow's charged arrows can pierce shields, which means it is also strong against Barrier Champions.
Trait: The Broadhead trait offers a piercing arrowhead that can pierce through the target on entry and exit. This arrowhead can also over-penetrate multiple targets.
2) Verglas Curve
Exotic Perk: Final blows with this weapon grant Stasis arrows. After a final blow, the next hip-fire shot will fire all of them in a single volley.
Trait: Hail Storm trait allows the Stasis arrows to freeze combatants and slow opposing Guardians. Furthermore, it can also create Stasis crystals upon impacting the combatants.
3) Ticuu's Divination
Exotic Perk: Fires multiple tracking projectiles. Targets marked by these projectiles explode upon death or when struck by another Sacred Flame's explosion.
Trait: Firing arrows with aim down sights will cause Sacred Flames to detonate instantly. On top of that, precision hits with fully drawn arrows will also increase the power of this detonation.
B tier
This list consists of some Exotic bows that usually provide limited usefulness and require a more specific situation to shine. These items are optional and can be easily replaced with better alternatives in Destiny 2.
1) Hierarchy of Needs
Exotic Perk: The Guidance Ring perk offers Guidance Ring energy on precision hits and final blows. Opposing Guardians grant additional energy. When the charge is full, hip firing creates a Guidance Ring.
Trait: The Apollonic Tangent trait allows arrows fired through the Guidance Ring to create seeking projectiles with more damage. This damage increase is based on the distance traveled.
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