Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon is live right now, replacing the Spire of the Watcher as a pinnacle activity. Much of the new activity takes place deep beneath the archive facility of Titan, allowing players to dive deep and crack some complicated mechanics. Like any other Dungeons in the game, Ghosts of the Deep does not pull punches.
This article will guide you through the first encounter that takes place on the surface. This is the opening encounter titled "Break the Ritual," where you will need to get accustomed to Hive rune symbols. It should be noted that the mechanics with Hive symbols do continue for the rest of the mission.
How to complete the opening encounter in Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep
1) Callouts and overall mechanics
As mentioned earlier, you and your fireteam need to be accustomed to the callouts regarding Hive runes. While they aren't anything new, it is important to keep one set of callouts ready among your other fireteam members, as they are vital to completing an encounter within this Dungeon.
Since there aren't any "universal" callouts on the Hive runes, you can make names up among your allies to help make things easier. The following link might also help establish new callouts in different encounters.
To summarize the mechanics, your list of objectives in this encounter is as follows:
- Kill an Ogre.
- Follow a green path to a Hive symbol.
- Kill a Hive Guardian.
- Interact with the deep-sight orb.
- Match the symbol with one of the three statues in the middle.
- Repeating this enough times will complete the encounter.
While that is the overall gist of the objective, things are a bit complicated in the grand scheme of things.
2) How to complete the objective
Once you spawn in, follow the road either on your foot or Sparrow, and start the encounter by killing Hive enemies. Look for an Ogre upon starting the encounter and kill it to reveal a green path, as shown in the image below. The Ogre is an orange-bar enemy called "Soulfire Binder."
Follow the green path to come across a Hive symbol and a bunch of Wizard enemies. Upon defeating everyone, follow another trail, eventually leading you to another group of enemies. Your objective here is to keep following the green trials until you face a Hive Guardian. Keep the symbol of the Hive rune in your mind here.
Make your way to the first area and defeat a boss Wizard named "Veil Breaker Wizard." Now, activate the deep-sight orb to reveal three statues, as shown in the image below.
Repeat this process until the encounter ends. Please note that the player who kills the Wizard will be able to interact with the rune statues.