The Destiny 2 Guardian Games event comes only once a year and allows every Guardian to showcase their skill. The primary aim in this event is to make one Class reign supreme while farming for exclusive gear pieces. However, the multiple currencies, activities, and quests can confuse many players.
This article will walk you through the basics of a Guardian Games event, how to start farming, and how to make all the correct decisions.
Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2025 complete guide
1) Getting started
Upon launching the game, you will be met with Eva Levante at the Tower, along with a special quest called "Best in Class". Your first task is to complete this quest, as this is an introduction to the rest of the event. Its objectives include equipping a Guardian Games Class Item, provided by Eva Levante, and finishing either a PvP Supremacy match or an event playlist activity.

Note that you do not need to equip the very Class Item that Eva provides. If you perhaps have an Artifice Class Item and want to retain the stats, you can simply unlock the Guardian Games' Class Item ornament using a Synthwave, and equip the ornament as well.

Next, complete the "Best in Class" quest by following either one of two paths, and head to Eva. Talking to her will unlock your "Medallion Case", and she will hand you a Medallion. These are the primary currencies in the event. The "Case" will help you store five of each tier of Medallions you earn throughout the event.
Now, the Medallion that Eva gave you can be deposited on one of the three podiums behind her. Approach the podium of your character's Class and deposit the Medallion. This is also the primary usage of Medallions, where each higher tier has a chance to drop high-tier weapons.

After depositing your first medal, open the Event Challenges section and redeem the first challenge. This will then unlock the rest of the challenges.
2) Vendor quests

Once you have deposited the Medallion and redeemed the first Event Challenge, go to Zavala to pick up the "Shoot to Score" quest and to Shaxx for the "Vying for Supremacy" quest. These two quests are essentially the PvE and PvP versions of the event playlists, asking you to achieve a high score.
A threshold in the scores will determine the tier, from Bronze to Platimum, allowing you to light the torches decorated behind the podium. A higher score will mean high-tier weapons dropping from these torches as well.
3) Medallions
After finishing the vendor quests and lighting the torches, you can farm an infinite number of Medallions and deposit them on the podium for rewards. Here are all the sources from where this currency can be earned:
- Event activity completions
- Contender Cards
Activities such as Rushdown Standard and Expert can drop a Medallion based on the score. The end chest will also drop an exclusive event weapon.

However, the Contender Cards will help you get higher-tier Medallions easily. Each Card will have a name that reads "Platinum" or "Diamond", signifying the tier of Medallion it will drop upon completion.
Note that the Diamond Card can be picked once per week only, and that too per account.
4) Rushdown
Rushdown is a boss rush activity where players must go through five progressively challenging boss encounters. The encounters can be from past campaign missions, Exotic missions, and even seasonal quests.

The order in which you can get these encounters is completely random for everybody. There are three modes of Rushdown: Warmup, Standard, and Expert. A higher difficulty in Rushdown can drop higher-tier weapons after completing the five activities.
5) Rewards
Keraunios is the new reward weapon in the 2025 version of Guardian Games, but other weapons were revamped as well. As mentioned earlier, the higher version of Rushdown can drop a higher-tier version of the weapons, specifically the ones with double perks. However, there are Ascendant Shards, Enhancement Prisms, double weapon drops, and more.
Note: Those who missed the Skimmer from last year can pick it up by completing a quest called "Drop In", which will be handed over by Eva Levante after the "Best in Class" quest is completed.
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