The Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest is the only way to acquire the Wish Ender Exotic bow. This powerful weapon was introduced during the Forsaken campaign as a part of the Shattered Throne dungeon. Thanks to its intrinsic perk, it works extremely well against Barrier Champions in high-level content like Grandmaster Nightfalls and Legend and Master Lost Sectors.
Earlier, players would have to pick up three tokens within the Shattered Throne dungeon itself and cleanse them. However, the method has changed over the past few seasons. Although the basic objective remains the same, the tokens have been eliminated from the equation.
How to get and complete the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest
To acquire the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest, you must complete the Shattered Throne dungeon once. Afterward, find and speak with Petra Venj at the Dreaming City to kickstart the quest.
If she doesn't assign the quest, make your way to the Quest archive at the Tower beside the Postmaster. You can collect the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest from here.
How to get the Wish Ender in Destiny 2
To complete the quest, you must make your way back to the Shattered Throne dungeon once again. After entering the dungeon, you will have to deposit three relics and defeat three different enemies, which include:
- A Taken Minotaur in the Descent.
- A Taken Captain in Erebus
- A Taken Ogre in Eleusinia
Where to find the Taken Minotaur in the Descent

This is the first part of the dungeon. Here, you must clear out different areas to reveal a symbol. You will then have to discover the corresponding area with the symbol you just revealed and clear it out to uncover another.
The first relic is located above the Tower of Deep. So after defeating the first set of enemies and reaching the hallway, veer left until you get to the Tower of the Deep. Scale the building and travel to the top. You will find a statue holding the relic.
Collect this relic and then trace your way back to the door which leads to the hallway. You must scale this structure and make your way to the roof. Up here, you will find another statue where the relic must be deposited.
Once done, the Taken Minotaur will spawn. Defeat it to complete the first part of the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest.
Where to find the Taken Captain in Erebus
Before encountering the Taken Captain in Erebus, you will have to deposit two different relics. The first one can be found in the room with the beams. Upon entering the room, you will notice that there are two platforms to your right. The relic is on the very first one.
While standing facing the relic, you'll notice a few statues to your right where the relic must be deposited. Although a lot of Ogres spawn here, you don't need to defeat them before depositing the relic. That said, stay vigilant to avoid being blindsided.
After completing this section, you will enter the Thrallway. This section prohibits running due to the "Slowed" debuff, so you must be extremely careful. The relic is located to the right of the room as you enter. Collect it and make your way to the exit. There's a statue to the right of the exit where you must dump this relic.
Enter through the doorway right across the exit. The doors should close behind you, followed by multiple Taken enemies spawning out of nowhere. Defeat them, and the Taken Captain will spawn. Upon vanquishing this beast, you will be done with the second stage of the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest.
Where to find the Ogre in Eleusinia
This Ogre appears during the boss fight in Eleusinia. In the boss room, you have four wizards, and defeating each one will drop a buff known as the Petitioner's burden. You will have to collect all four buffs and deposit them at one of the lamps on the center platform.
After depositing the first set of buffs, look through the room for a Taken enemy that goes invisible. Despite this power, you will be able to notice its silhouette. Kill the enemy to obtain a relic. Make your way to the statues on the left side of the room if you're standing at the area where you dropped in.
Deposit the relic and get the Ogre to spawn. Defeating it will conclude the third and final stage of the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest.
Completing the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance quest
After defeating the Ogre, interact with the Sjur Eido statue right outside this room. While completing the dungeon is possible, you must revisit Petra Venj to receive the Wish Ender and complete the Destiny 2 Hunter's Remembrance questline.