The last piece of the Crota's End challenge in Destiny 2 is tied to the final boss, Crota. Being the final boss of the Raid, Crota's encounter follow similar mechanics as the first few encounters, where players must juggle Chalice of Light, look for exchanging locations, and the Enlightened player will pick up Sword to damage the boss' health.
However, the All for One challenge focuses more on the Sword, where a fireteam might need a couple more sword carriers to complete the challenge. To acquire the All for One triumph within the Swordbearer seal, a fireteam of six will need to take down Crota's shield in one go.
The number of Guardians/Sword-carriers does not matter as long as the shield is going down in an instant. The following article will guide you through the best load-outs, tricks, and a hidden cheese behind one-shotting the boss.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
How to complete the One for All challenge in Destiny 2 Crota's End
This section of the article provides a brief overview of the One for All challenge in Destiny 2 Crota's End, followed by a few tips.
Before the encounter, the basic knowledge of the core mechanics of the Crota encounter should be obvious to everyone. To summarize, players must pick up Chalice, juggle it in different corners of the arena, pick up Sword, and start the damage phase by draining Crota's shield. Occasionally, any Enlightened players must either "Expunge" on Crota, or damage the Oversoul.
A detailed guide on the Crota boss can be found in this article.
The challenge requires a fire team to drain Crota's shield in one go. In any normal run, one player usually picks up a Sword and drains Crota's health until the DPS phase starts. For the "All for One" challenge, multiple players must pick up the Sword and damage Crota at the same time, allowing his shield to drain instantly.
Here is a list of tips that your fireteam can follow to easily complete the One for All challenge:
- Have three players carry Swords, one player preserve Chalice, one player Expunge, and another player for Oversoul.
- To spawn Three Swordbearers in quick succession, it is important to defeat Boomer Knights on both Towers.
- It is recommended to wait until the Sword shows up, or there might be chances of a bug where the game will consume your Enlightened buff, and you will not have the Sword.
- One Tractor Cannon will significantly increase damage to his shield.
- One cheese (not recommended) includes performing a finisher on a Knight in front of Crota, leading him to launch into the air, and eventually dying in the process.
Repeat the same process until you defeat the Son of Oryx in Destiny 2, and complete the challenge for the Swordbearer seal. Enemy changes include Unstoppable Champions in the form of Ogres, which spawns right after defeating the Boomer Knights.
Recommended load-outs for Destiny 2 One for All challenge in Crota's End

Supers and heavy should include the ones used in standard runs. Tractor Cannon, Well of Radiance, and Swords are mandatory, alongside a Fusion Rifle for the Oversoul and Unstoppable Ogres. Arc resist mods are necessary against Boomer Knights and Crota's projectile, while one Strand grappler is recommended for the player tending to Boomer Knights.