Prosecutor is an Arc Precision Framed Auto Rifle that has been added to Destiny 2's Prophecy loot pool. It is one of the three new weapons in the Dungeons, replacing three old ones. Fortunately, these new pieces of gear have been making the news ever since their release day, as all of them have been reported to be equally powerful by the community.
Prosecutor, being a High-Range Low-Fire rate weapon, makes its presence known, especially in Crucible. However, due to its Arc element and elemental damage perks, there is a lot of scope for players to use it in endgame activities as well.
This article will guide you through the best perks of the Prosecutor Auto Rifle.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.
Prosecutor PvP god roll in Destiny 2

The following is a list of perks that are suited for the Prosecutor in PvP:
- Polygonal Rifling for increased Stability on the weapon.
- Ricochet Rounds for increased Range and Stability on the weapon.
- Keep Away for increased Range, Accuracy, and Reload Speed when no enemies are nearby.
- Target Lock for increased damage on a single enemy after sustained fire.
Precision Framed Auto Rifles come with significantly increased Range, allowing players to engage in cross-map fights. Hence, it is somewhat important to invest in Stability in a few departments. However, if you are confident in your recoil control, go with maximum Range stacks with a Hammer Forged barrel and High Caliber Rounds magazine.
Note that the new Origin Trait, Crossive Over, grants increased Range and Handling with the top half of the magazine, alongside increased damage with the bottom half of the magazine.
Prosecutor PvE god roll in Destiny 2

The following is a list of perks that are suited for the Prosecutor in PvE:
- Corkscrew Rifling for increased Stability, Handling, and Range.
- Appended Mag for increased magazine size.
- Dragonfly for an elemental explosion after precision kills.
- Voltshot for jolting targets after reloading on kill.
Frenzy and Golden Tricorn are great damage perks as well.
How to get the Prosecutor Auto Rifle in Destiny 2?
The Prosecutor Auto Rifle can be farmed exclusively from the Prophecy Dungeon, specifically from the Phalanx Echo encounter. Since it is not craftable, the only way to obtain a god roll is by endless farming in a given week. Hence, look for a Dungeon rotator week with Prophecy, and you can farm the Phalanx Echo encounter until you get the perks you want.
As mentioned, the Prosecutor Auto Rifle can fire long distances at the cost of a fire rate. It can be highly potent in PvP as long as you land all precision shots on opposing players and a decent add-clearing weapon in PvE with Joltshot.