Destiny 2 PvP builds are important for any player to dominate the opposing players. Since the launch of Lightfall, the game has had five subclasses for each character. Among many great builds for PvP and PvE, some obviously will outshine others. Additionally, with the frequent implementations of abilities and weapon tweaks in the game, the meta constantly changes for both formats.
Readers will find the best builds on the PvP side of things, which will sort each class's subclasses and builds, including Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks, while covering their recommended gear, abilities, aspects, and fragments.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.
Tier list for Destiny 2 PvP builds in 2024
The best Destiny 2 PvP builds in 2024 are as follows:

Builds under this tier list are considered the most commonly used builds as of 2024. These potent builds offer great survivability and a lot of utility, making them a must-choice for those looking to achieve an edge in Destiny 2’s end-game PvP content.
Arc Titan:
If you like to get up close and personal with your enemies and destroy them with your shotgun, this build is for you.
- Abilities: Pulse Grenade, Catapult Lift, Thruster, Seismic Strike, Thundercrash.
- Aspects: Juggernaut, Knockout.
- Fragments: Spark of Resistance, Spark of Haste, Spark of Feedback, Spark of Frequency.
- Exotics: Antaeus Wards.
Solar Warlock:
This build offers high mobility and survivability in Endgame Destiny 2 PvP content.
- Abilities: Healing Grenade, Burst Glide, Phoenix Dive, Celestial Fire, Daybreak.
- Aspects: Icarus Dash, Heat Rises.
- Fragments: Ember of Solace, Ember of Torches, Ember of Torches, Ember of Eruption.
- Exotics: Transversive Steps/Ophidian Aspect.
Solar Hunter:
If you want to get your enemies trapped with Tripmire, while also making use of Ignites, this Blade Barrage build is perfect for you.
- Abilities: Tripmine Grenade, Proximity Explosive Knife, Strafe Jump, Gambler’s Dodge, Blade Barrage.
- Aspects: Knock ‘Em Down, On Your Mark.
- Fragments: Ember of Singeing, Ember of Ashes, Ember of Searing, Ember of Torches, Ember of Mercy.
- Exotics: Young Ahamkara’s Spine.
This tier features multiple builds that excel in endgame activities like Trials of Osiris and Crucible Competitive. However, these builds come with a very passive playstyle and a high learning curve in Destiny 2.
Void Warlock:
Although this build is not as fast as the Solar one, it provides a significant amount of self-healing and overshield upon kill, which is a game changer in the end-game content.
- Abilities: Vortex Grenade, Healing Rift, Pocket Singularity, Burst Glide.
- Aspects: Child of the Old Gods, Feed the Void.
- Fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Echo of Vigilance, Echo of Persistence, Echo of Undermining.
- Exotics: Contraverse Hold/The Stag.
Void Titan
After receiving much-needed buffs in the Void 3.0 revamp, this Void Titan build became the most defensive and powerful pick for end-game PvP content in Destiny 2.
- Abilities: Suppressor Grenade, Towering Barricade, Shield Bash, Catapult Lift, Ward of Dawn.
- Aspects: Bastion, Offensive Bulwark.
- Fragments: Echo of Dilation, Echo of Expulsion, Echo of Domineering.
- Exotics: Citan's Ramparts.
Strand Hunter:
If you like to go fast across the map and one-tap people while suspending every nearby enemy in Destiny 2, this build is the perfect match for your playstyle.
- Abilities: Grapple, Gambler’s Dodge, Threaded Spike, Strafe Jump, Silkstrike.
- Aspects: Ensnaring Slam, Widow’s Silk.
- Fragments: Thread of Generation, Thread of Warding, Thread of Continuity, Thread of Mind.
- Exotics: St0mp-EE5/The Sixth Coyote/Foe Tracer
The Destiny 2 PvP builds on this particular tier are powerful in their own right but have been overshadowed by more potent alternatives in Destiny 2 over time.
Void Hunter:
- Abilities: Void Spike, Gambler’s Dodge, Void Spike, Strafe Jump, Deadfall.
- Aspects: Trapper’s Ambush, Vanishing Step.
- Fragments: Echo of Persistence, Echo of Starvation, Echo of Vigilance, Echo of Dilation.
- Exotics: Graviton Forfeit/Wormhusk Crown.
Stasis Warlock:
- Abilities: Coldsnap Grenade, Healing Rift, Penumbral Blast, Burst Glide, Winter’s Wrath.
- Aspects: Iceflare Bolts, Frostpulse.
- Fragments: Whisper of Chains, Whisper of Rending, Whisper of Fissures, Whisper of Torment.
- Exotics: Osmiomancy Gloves.
This ties list consists of builds that often perform worse than meta builds in Destiny 2 but still retain some unique value. The builds in question include:
Arc Hunter:
- Abilities: Pulse Grenade, Gambler’s Dodge, Combination Blow, Strafe Jump, Gathering Storm.
- Aspects: Flow State, Lethal Current.
- Fragments: Spark of Resistance, Spark of Shock, Spark of Ions, Spark of Ions.
- Exotics: Assassin’s Cowl/Wormhusk Crown.
Arc Warlock:
- Abilities: Flashbang Grenade, Healing Rift, Chain Lightning, Burst Glide, Stormtrance.
- Aspects: Lightning Surge, Arc Soul.
- Fragments: Spark of Feedback, Spark of Beacons, Spark of Volts, Spark of Resistance.
- Exotics: Getaway Artist.
This list has covered some meta builds for each of the classes and subclasses in the game. These builds are the most popular options in Destiny 2 PvP as of 2024.