Destiny 2 Season 22 is almost here. Apart from the plethora of changes making their way to the new season, a fresh raid will also be reprised from the vaults. These reprised raids aren't connected to the storyline but are added to the game because of their popularity. That said, the raid being reprised in the next season is currently unknown, but Bungie has provided a few details.
Every year, Bungie releases two raids. The first is a brand-new raid that goes live with every new expansion. The second one is a reprised raid that goes live during the third season of the said expansion. With that said, here's all the information about the upcoming raid in Destiny 2 Season 22.
Bungie to reprise Crota's End in Season 22
Based on the information revealed by Bungie, Destiny 2 Crota's End will be the raid that th developers will be reprising for Season 22. This raid was initially introduced in the Destiny 1 alongside The Dark Below expansion. Lore wise, Crota is the Son of Oryx. Given that Xivu Arath faled to resurrect the Taken King in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, Crota was her next best bet.
The lore implications of this are severe, but it remains to be seen if Bungie will tie this raid into the lore of Season of the Witch itself. This hasn't been done for any reprised raid in the game so far, thereby making this reprised raid a unique one in the entire series so far. Furthermore, it will be interesting to see the changes that the developers have made to this raid once it goes live on September 1.
Destiny 2 Crota's End raid raid race and other details
Based on the information revealed in the "This Week At Bungie" blog, the reprised raid is scheduled to go live on September 1. Just like every raid launch, Bungie will be conducting a raid race for this one as well. Contest mode will be available for the first 48 hours. And once players manage to complete the raid in Contest mode, they'll be able to access the Challenge mode.
It will be interesting to see which team secures the belt for the reprised raid in Season of the Witch. Moreover, one of the main attractions of any raid is the Exotic weapon that comes along with it. Exotics often have the capability to change the meta of the current sandbox, and the Necrochasm is making a return to this game as well.
Who won the Destiny 2 Crota's End raid race?
Based on the information revealed by Bungie, Team Elysium took home the World's First belt for Crota's End. Interestingly enough, this is the fourth raid race that their team has won, a feat that no other team has earned before.
They won three races back to back, and then lost out on the Root of Nightmares. The team came back strong to win their fourth belt with Crota's End. The race was a really close one. The difference between first and second place was a little over a minute.
All Destiny 2 Crota's End raid encounters
There are four basic encounters in the Crota's End race. Lore wise, these encounters follow a fireteam of Guardians making their way through the Abyss, and then crossing a bridge to get to Ir Yut, a Hive Deathsinger. Once she's been dealt with, the team then finally ventures into Crota's throne room to slay him.
Where to watch the Destiny 2 Crota's End Day 1 raid race
Every raid race is a major highlight in the Destiny 2 calendar. Crota's End was one of the easiest raids back in the day, so there's a high chance that Bungie will have made major tweaks to it while reprising it. Having said that, in case you're not keen on participating in the event, but you would rather watch it, you can head over to Twitch and follow your favorite Destiny 2 content creator. Almost everyone will be participating in the race, so you will be able to tune into multiple livestreams during the event.