The weekly story missions for Destiny 2 Season of the Wish ended with a peaceful epilogue and exchange between Queensguard and Riven. After seven weeks of collecting Riven eggs, The Ahamkara held up her end of the bargain and granted Guardians the long-awaited 15th wish. Hence, starting the next weekly reset, there won't be any more seasonal story missions until the release of "Into the Light."
This article summarizes the entire finale in Season of the Wish week 7, from the quest step to the cutscene, alongside everything to expect in the future.
Summarized explanation of Destiny 2 Season of the Wish finale
1) Getting the last Ahamkara egg
This week's Destiny 2 Season of the Wish story begins with Riven's dialog, where she states that Techeuns have found the location of the final egg. Collecting it will lead Riven to grant the 15th wish. However, Riven also states that her spirit will cease to exist for now, as granting the wish will require considerable power.
This week's mission inside Mara Sov's chambers is called Chiasmus. Guardians must fight the Scorn and defeat Elikaa to retrieve the final egg. The mission includes dialogs from Mara Sov and Osiris, as both talk about the end and their will to face it.
2) Crow's farewell to Guardians

After retrieving the egg, Guardians have one final chat with Crow before he sets off in the Pale Heart of Traveler. He states that Guardians were the only ones who helped him gain a foothold after his revival in the Dreaming City, despite everyone's hatred for his past life deeds.
Crow thanks the Guardians one last time and promises them to meet again on the other side.
3) Making the 15th Wish
The next step is to make the wish by heading to the Well located in Dreaming City. The location of the Well can be found by following Last Wish Raid's opening encounter.

After entering the Well room, you will see four highlighted plates on the wall. Simply stand on the platform and shoot these plates to bring out the Riven icon. Once all plates have Riven icons, the wish will be fulfilled.
4) Crow travels to the Pale Heart
After making the wish, a final cutscene triggers, showing Riven, Mara Sov, Crow, and Petra Venj. Crow bids farewell to his sister and Petra before jumping inside the portal, leading to Pale Heart.
After the portal closes, Mara Sov and Riven have one final conversation where they share gratitude for one another.

Riven, after granting one final wish, ceases to exist (for now). Hence, players won't be able to see her spirit after completing the epilogue. Additionally, Crow will be absent from his usual position in HELM.