This year's Solstice event in Destiny 2 will bring festivities and game modes similar to previous editions alongside new armor sets and weapons. Like multiple events in the past, the Solstice annual event will also consist of event cards alongside a temporary location called EAZ. To summarize, players can expect the overall mechanic of Solstice to include lighting up bonfires and defeating enemies, alongside earning different currencies such as Silver Leaves, Silver Ashes, and Kindling.
The event will start from the upcoming weekly reset on July 18 and continue for three weeks until August 8. The following article lists everything you should know regarding the annual Solstice event in 2023, from official armor pieces to a guide on collecting unique event currencies.
Disclaimer: Most of the notes mentioned in this article are based on Bungie's official website.
Destiny 2 Solstice 2023 release date and time for all major regions
As mentioned, the release date of Solstice 2023 is July 18, during the usual weekly reset time. The release times for all major regions are as follows:
- India: 10:30 PM (July 18)
- China: 1:00 AM (July 19)
- UK: 6:00 PM (July 18)
- Australia: 3:00 AM(July 19)
- Brazil: 2:00 PM (July 18)
New event cards and Eva Levante's vendor inventory will also become available around the times mentioned above.
Destiny 2 Solstice armor sets and new Rocket Launcher
Since the primary essence of any Solstice event is the armor set for each class, Bungie revealed all of the upcoming pieces in this year's annual event. The following post contains all the new Solstice armor pieces for three classes in Destiny 2.
The company also announced a new Strand Rocket Launcher, exclusively tied to this year's Solstice loot pool. However, its archetype remains unknown.
Based on Destiny API, the following perks will be available in the weapon:
- Shot Swap, Pugilist, Demolitionist, Field Prep, Auto-Loading Holster, Impulse Amplifier, Ensemble.
- Cluster Bomb, Swashbuckler, Chain Reaction, Envious Assassin, One for All, Hatchling, and Adrenaline Juinkie.
Destiny 2 Solstice 2023 mechanics and all currencies
The upcoming Solstice will grant a temporary location for players to participate in the event alongside three different currencies to work with. The currencies and their roles in the event are as follows:
- Silver Leaves: Available by completing activities.
- Silver Ash: Can be transformed from Silver Leaves after completing the bonfire activity. Silver Ash can be used to reroll armor stats.
- Kindling: Available only from Event card challenges. This currency can upgrade Solstice armor sets and their stat roll potential.

This year's EAZ will introduce tougher enemies with player buffs, including Firebound for increased recovery and Flare for a paracausal explosion upon rapid kills.