Undercurrent is the new Legendary Wave Framed Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2. Like most players expected, it is competing fairly well with the likes of Forbearance. Since Forbearance requires players to do the Vow of the Disciple, the new Undercurrent might be the most accessible and powerful weapon in the game currently.
This article lists the best perks of the Wave Framed Grenade Launcher, Undercurrent, including its drop source and everything else you should know. Note that Arc Wave Framed archetypes are meant to clear trash mobs and medium-tier enemies, whether in Public Events or Grandmaster Nightfalls. Hence, the following perks prioritize add-clearing over boss DPS.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
How to get Undercurrent in Destiny 2
Undercurrent is an Arc Wave Framed Grenade Launcher obtainable via the Nightfall pool in Destiny 2. Season of the Wish Week 5 has brought in the Lake of Shadows Strike alongside modifier difficulties, with added loot drops from completion. This way, you have a chance to get two Undercurrent by completing the Nightfall once between December 19 and 26.
Run the Grandmaster difficulty for an Adept version of the weapon. If either you or any one of your fireteam members has the Conqueror seal unlocked, all the featured Strikes in the Nightfall pool can be run with the Undercurrent Grenade Launcher as a drop.
For later parts of the season, you are recommended to keep an eye on the weeks that have Lake of Shadows as featured Nightfall Strike. This way, you can easily target farm the Grenade Launcher. Note that Destiny 2's upcoming expansion has been extended till June 2024, giving you possibly more time to farm Adept weapons.
Undercurrent god roll for Destiny 2 PvE

Here are all the essential perks for the Undercurrent Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2 PvE:
- Countermass for Stability, Recoil, and Handling on the weapon.
- High Velocity Rounds for increased Velocity on the wave.
- Ambitious Assassin for overflowing the magazine after multiple kills.
- Voltshot for jolting targets after reloading the weapon on kill.
A great utility-based combination will be Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie together, alongside Lead From Gold in the third column. A damage perk such as 'Bait and Switch' isn't recommended here, as this weapon is meant to be used for add-clearing rather than damaging bosses and elites.
Undercurrent god roll for Destiny 2 PvP

Here are all the essential perks for the Undercurrent Grenade Launcher in PvP:
- Smart Drift Control for increased Stability, Handling, and projectile speed.
- High Velocity Rounds for extra speed on the waves.
- Eddy Current for increased reload speed after sprinting.
- Adrenaline Junkie for increased damage after kills.
High Ground can be a decent option if you looking to take the aerial route and damage opposite Guardians.