Destiny 2 Episode Heresy enters another week, only this time, players won't have a seasonal questline to look forward to. However, there are new weekly challenges and other resets, alongside the Grandmaster difficulty in Nightfall Strikes. Ahead of this reset, Bungie has implemented several updates with nerfs on broken exploits, matchmaking fixes for Trials, and more.
This article lists every patch notes mentioned with Update
Disclaimer: This article is based on the patch notes mentioned on Bungie's official website.
Full patch notes for Destiny 2 Update
1) Activities

Episode: Heresy
- Fixed an issue where Sigil Stones could drop from defeated combatants much faster than intended.

Trials of Osiris
- Reduced how much going Flawless affects Weekly performance-based matchmaking for solo players.
- The Director can no longer reset lighthouse Passages if a loss has not been recorded on the passage.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasonal and Lifetime Flawless Passages trackers were incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where wins were not correctly granting progress points towards Ghosts dropping.
- Rank point gains and losses have been adjusted.
- Increased the effectiveness of the quitter compensation aspect of the contribution scalar.
- Reduced the number of points that the skill modifier can add or remove.
Dungeons and Raids

Sundered Doctrine
- Mission Complete should now fire shortly after defeating Kerrev and receiving loot unless players are actively trying to open the vault door.
- Fixed an issue where the drop rate for Finality's Auger was not properly scaling with boosts from Triumphs.
- In addition, all players who complete Sundered Doctrine will receive an additional boost to its initial drop rate.
- Fixed an issue where opening one of the hidden chests could lock that character out of acquiring focused gear for that week.
- Fixed an issue where hidden chests could despawn shortly after being opened.
- Fixed an issue where Pyramid Switches could be activated by AOE damage sources.
Exotic Missions

Zero Hour
- Fixed an issue preventing players from completing the activity which also affected rewards and pursuit progress.
- Zero Hour has been re-enabled.
2) Gameplay and Investment
Exotic Armor

- Blight Ranger
- Cancelling Arc Staff with Blight Ranger now triggers Bolt Charge.
- Arbor Warden
- Arbor Warden's “Barri-nade” now picks up the benefits of Storm's Keep.

- Speaker’s Sight
- Fixed an issue where the Speaker's Sight healing turret was healing more than intended in The Nether.
- Solipsism – Spirit of Filaments
- Fixed an issue that caused Spirit of the Filaments to not reward class ability energy properly.
- Solipsism – Spirit of Necrotic
- Fixed an issue where Spirit of Necrotic was granting Devour.
- Fixed an issue where Redrix's Estoc could not roll with random Stocks.
- Fixed an issue where, after unlocking a pattern from Vault of Glass, the Deepsight mod socket would still appear visible.
Exotic Weapons

- Lodestar
- Reduced the damage falloff range when fired from the hip.
- Fixed an unintended aim assist disparity between the mouse/keyboard and controller when using Lodestar’s hip fire.
- Finality's Auger
- Fixed an issue where the turret could linger after swapping to another Heavy weapon.
- Barrow-Dyad
- Fixed an issue causing Barrow Dyad's particles to not render correctly when impacting Phalanx shields.
- Fixed an issue where Ionic Sentry turret damage/kills did not count as ability damage/kills.
- Fixed an issue causing Bolt Charge to discharge when healing an ally with a Rift.
- Fixed an issue causing roaming Supers to end early when using Ascension.

- Updated Flashover to no longer provide increased Bolt Charge lightning bolt damage vs players in PvP.
- Fixed an issue where the boost from Volatile Marksman was providing class ability energy on any instance of splash damage instead of just Volatile detonations.
- To compensate for the reduction:
- Increased Class Ability energy on Volatile detonation to 9% (from 7%).
- Reduced cooldown to 0.1s (from 0.35s).
- Fixed an issue where Particle Reconstruction was stacking with other debuffs.
- Fixed an issue where certain Fusion Rifles couldn't apply Particle Reconstruction.
- Fixed an issue with Facet of Hope that was contributing to players receiving BIRD errors.
3) General
- Fixed an issue causing the Eris vendor on the Moon to T pose.
- Fixed an issue with shield regen audio looping continuously in The Nether.
- Fixed an issue where the Wish-Ending Bundle and the Rat King Bundle could appear owned, even if never purchased.
- Fixed a labeling issue affecting some Weapon Ornament bundles.
You can also check out our other Destiny 2 articles:
- All Destiny 2 Exotic weapon changes in Heresy Act I
- Imminence god roll guide
- Psychopomp god roll guide
- Adamantite god roll guide
- Episode Heresy weekly reset
- Essence of Desire farm guide
- Best ways to heal in The Nether
- Easiest way to get The Queenbreaker Catalyst
- Watchful Eye god roll guide
- Derealize Exotic mission guide
- How to get Barrow-Dyad quest