The Vesper's Host Dungeon is the newest entry in Destiny 2's endgame content pool. It is the first Dungeon to have been released since Warlord's Ruin, almost 10 months after the latter. Bungie has also given it a new twist, where players must go through a contest mode version for the first 48 hours, similar to how Raids work in the game.
This article lists the basic mechanics of the first encounter in the Vesper's Host Dungeon, called Vesper Station/Activation. Note that the title presents a minor jumping puzzle before this encounter that introduces players to the basic mechanics of the Dungeons, such as the workings of the Scanner and Operator. Players accustomed to the Deep Stone Crypt Raid will be familiar with these augments. Regardless, this article still provides an explanation.
Additionally, a special contest modifier will be active within the Vesper's Host Dungeon from October 11, 2024, to October 13, 2024. During this time, players will often encounter a special "Enrage" countdown mechanic, forcing them to complete the entire thing within the time limit.
How to complete the first encounter in Destiny 2 Vesper's Host
Scanner and Operator buffs
Once you have picked up the Scanner buff in Destiny 2, you will notice a countdown below your health bar. Once it reaches zero, you will die. To reset the timer, look for a deposit station nearby. The same applies to the Operator buff.

The Scanner buff shows the correct console on your minimap in the top-left corner. For example, let us assume you are carrying the Scanner buff.
Now, you will notice multiple orange icons on your minimap inside a room full of consoles. Your job is to walk near the consoles and keep an eye out for those turning white and the ones disappearing from the minimap.

Call out the positions of the consoles that are turning white to the player with the Operator buff. Do not call out the consoles that are disappearing from the minimap, as shooting them will lead to death.
Now, the Operator player's task is to shoot the called-out positions of the white consoles.
Basic mechanics

Here are the basic mechanics that you must engage with in the given order:
- Interact with the white dome in the middle to "Reboot System" and start the encounter.
- A huge Fallen Brig will spawn in the middle, so avoid getting squished.
- Defeat the brig and a Scanner carrier will spawn.
- Pick up the Scanner buff and run through one of the three doors that have the signs "Lungs," "Heart," and "Brain." Note that your Scanner buff is in a countdown state now.
- Fight your way through until you encounter two Fallen mini-bosses called "Machine Priest's Assistant." Defeat these bosses to unlock the next area, where your priority is to find a deposit station for your Scanner buff.
- Next, defeat two more of the same Fallen bosses inside a room full of consoles.
- Pick up the Scanner again and walk in front of each console to see which ones disappear and which turn white.
- The Scanner player should give callouts to the Operator on the positions of the consoles that turned white.
- For the Operator buff, look for a Rocket Vandal enemy somewhere outside the console room.
- Once the Operator is done shooting the correct consoles, a nuclear orb will spawn.
- Carry the Nuclear orb to the middle location, where another Brig will be present.
- Defeat the Brig and deposit the Orb in one of the three stations.
- Repeat this for the two remaining rooms to complete the encounter.

Now, let's discuss a few tips regarding the Nuclear orb. Carrying the orb will put the player in a debuff called Radiation. Once it reaches x10, the carrier will die. Hence, the fireteam must juggle the orb between players and reset the debuff stack until everyone reaches the middle room.
Solo gamers can put the orb down on the ground and pick it back up to reset the debuff stack.
The best Destiny 2 builds in this encounter should be used to shut down mini-bosses such as Brigs and Fallen Vandals.
Titan's Tundercrash is great for taking out these mini-bosses, and the same applies to Rocket Launchers or Heavy Grenade Launchers. Since this is a Fallen Dungeon, Riskrunner should also be a great addition to your build, as activating its perk should be the easiest thing to do against hoards of Fallen enemies.
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