Destiny 2 Season of Defiance has a little less than a month remaining before Bungie adds to the next season with sandbox updates. Players can choose to complete any seasonal activity or task that may be on their list, including weapons, armor pieces, and even the seasonal seal. Additionally, the first annual event is only a week away as well.
To summarize the content lined up for the weekly reset, players can expect a lot of PvE activities in an Iron Banner week. With bonus Vanguard ranks with each Strike completion, now would be the best time for anyone to obtain the ritual weapon from Zavala, alongside its ornament as well.
The following article lists the upcoming content for Destiny 2 Season of Defiance Week 9.
All upcoming content for Destiny 2 Season of Defiance Week 9 (April 25 to May 2)
1) Iron Banner: Fortress
Season 20 and its Iron Banner run will close off with the Fortress game mode. Players will be able to access the game mode alongside weapons and armor pieces, most of which will be vaulted out with the arrival of Season 21. Players are recommended to acquire the Hero's Burden and Wizened Rebuke within the next seven days.

In the Fortress Iron Banner game mode, players will need to capture points (similar to control), with the additional objective requiring everyone to fight over a single capture point.
This will also be the final chance for everyone to obtain either the Iron Lord seal or its gilded version before the PvP game mode appears next season. Lastly, players should also note that equipping Iron Banner gear pieces with an emblem will grant a total of 11x boost in reputation gains.
2) Hypernet Current

Hypernet Current is one of the newest Strikes to come out alongside the Lightfall campaign this year. Players have to go through waves of Vex and Taken enemies, which turn into Unstoppable and Barrier Champions with higher difficulties. Hence, the Grandmaster Nightfall version of this Strike will be no different, with Solar threat and Strand surge.
The weapon scheduled to be in the rotation pool is the returning Buzzard Sidearm, with its Adept version dropping exclusively from the Grandmaster version.
3) Bonus Vanguard ranks

Bonus Vanguard ranks will allow everyone to accumulate enough reputation ranks for rewards from Zavala. However, aside from the very standard pool of Enhancement Cores and Prisms, players should most definitely eye the seasonal ritual Glaive alongside its Vanguard ornament at rank 16.
The best way to obtain both of them simultaneously is by completing a fair amount of high-tier Nightfall Strikes and forming activity streaks. However, an activity streak can break if a player runs any other ritual activity other than the one they have the streak in.
4) Mayhem and Clash

Shaxx will bring in both Mayhem and Clash as part of the pinnacle rotator playlist in the Crucible. Completing a total of three matches in either of the two activities will drop a +2 pinnacle gear.