Diablo 4 Season 2 is almost here. Blizzard is done with the first part of the developer stream for S2 and revealed some important information about it. While the studio is yet to talk about the changes and modifications they're planning on making with respect to damage buckets and class balancing, what they've revealed so far includes some highly requested community features.
Uber Uniques are some really powerful weapons and items in the game. They have the potential to make or break a build because of their perks. However, so far, their drop rates have been abysmal. So how can one target-farm these items in Diablo 4 Season 2?
How to target-farm Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 Season 2
As a part of the seasonal roadmap that Blizzard revealed, Diablo 4 Season 2 will have five bosses in its end game. Out of them, one of them is Duriel, King of Maggots. This boss was first introduced in the game's vanilla campaign.
Starting in Diablo 4 Season 2, players will be able to encounter this foe in World Tiers 3 and 4, provided they have the required materials to summon him. In World Tier 4, those who continuously farm this boss will have an increased chance of receiving Uber Uniques. Although their drop rates won't be too high, they will be seen more often.
During the pre-season and Season of the Malignant, only a handful number of players have been able to acquire these Uber Uniques. With this new update that's set to go live in Diablo 4 Season 2, a lot more people will be able to get their hands on these weapons.
However, players need to note that Duriel isn't a very easy boss, and the fight in World Tier 4 is going to be very difficult. So that's going to make the process of farming Uber Uniques equally difficult. While it's unclear if Duriel will drop them in World Tier 3 as well, there always is a bleak chance that he might.
To conclude, based on whatever was revealed in the developer stream so far, it does seem like Blizzard has indeed taken all the community feedback into account and are bringing changes based on it. The class and balance changes are yet to be introduced, but it's unlikely that the developers will get that bit wrong at this point.
The game has really struggled during its first season, at least in terms of player count. So if the same happens in Diablo 4 S2, the company might lose out on a major portion of its playerbase. That might be a driving force for the developers to ensure all upcoming content is satisfactory.