Diablo 4 is nearly a year old, and Season 4 feels like the breath of fresh air the game badly needed. I enjoyed logging in and playing, don’t get me wrong, but there have been some pretty lackluster seasonal content drops between launch and now. This current season, “Loot Reborn”, is one I was very excited about, as I started to learn more about it.
Sure, part of my happiness comes from Minion Necromancer finally being as strong as it deserved to be, I’ll be honest. However, just in general, Seasonal characters in Diablo 4 Season 4 have never felt stronger or more enjoyable to play. That’s the big takeaway: It’s fun. What makes it that way, though?
Diablo 4 Season 4 has made players feel incredibly powerful

I think that perhaps one of the best things about Diablo 4 Season 4 is that every class has a way and a chance to feel incredibly powerful. Sure, some builds aren’t as strong as others or require a bit more knowledge and work to get going, but there’s a clearly defined power fantasy for each class.
No matter what I’ve played so far, I’ve felt wildly strong. Part of this comes from the incredibly potent equipment you can unlock by completing Seasonal Journey missions. In my almost a year of playing Diablo 4, I’ve never felt this powerful as a Necromancer. At the end of the day, I think that’s what players want - to feel powerful.
Perhaps the only complaint I have is that you can’t get the gear on multiple characters unless you have multiple accounts. The equipment you unlock from the Seasonal Journey and the Iron Wolves is pretty impressive. That’s what’s made Diablo 4 Season 4 so great. I enjoy playing, and I like pushing deeper into the game more than ever before.
You also have Tempering, which lets you collect recipes to add new effects to your weapons and armor as you progress through the game. This is a neat idea, and you can target specific types of buffs to your gear (Combat, Utility, et cetera).
The Codex of Power QoL change is one of the best things the game has done yet

Diablo 4 Season 4 is more than just changes to equipment, though. There was a very important change to the Codex of Power that I sincerely appreciate. Instead of having to scrap Legendaries and use their ability once, scrapping Legendaries adds them to your Codex of Power, period. That means you don’t have to hold onto weak weapons just because they have a great affix.
Now, you can break them down and use them on the next, more powerful weapon that you get somewhere down the line. I’ve never been happier to see an update in Diablo 4 like I have in Season 4.
I don’t have to hold onto Legendaries anymore, in hopes I might need them one day. Instead of keeping multiple weapons or armor pieces with the same Affixes, I can just destroy them and use them whenever I feel like it. What an amazing change.
How is the change to Helltides going in Diablo 4?

Another change for the better is that Diablo 4 Season 4 is letting anyone tackle Helltides. It’s still more or less an “endgame activity”, but now you don’t have to be on World Tier III or IV to do them. Even casual players on World Tier I can take part in these events.
The fact that they’re now accessible to everyone is a welcome addition. While I had a character or two that could handle Helltides on World Tier III, I appreciate not feeling pressured to play exclusively with those characters. Now, all you have to do is complete the Campaign, and you can jump right into the fun.
You don’t have to play in the Seasonal Ladder to enjoy many of the game’s changes

While yes, you must play in the Seasonal Ladder to enjoy the Iron Wolves and their amazing gear drops, the other major changes are also in the Eternal Realm. Simply having a character on the Eternal Realms means you can take advantage of the improvements to equipment, the Codex of Power changes, Helltides, and much more.
I still recommend playing through the Season, though, if you want to experience Real Power, but it’s not a necessity. This is arguably the best season of content so far, especially because the game brings the most important updates to the regular gameplay as well. It feels almost like a whole new game.
Is Diablo 4 a better game now with Season 4?

I would have to say “Yes”, Diablo 4 is a much better game in Season 4. I’m very excited to log in and play - it’s what I’ve played the most of this week since the launch of the latest update. Friends of mine are coming back to the game and enjoying it too, which I am always glad to see.
I don’t think it’s a perfect game, but these huge changes to Diablo 4 have made it far more enjoyable. While the game world is still the same - and will be until the expansion - I’ve got to say that I’ve never felt more powerful, nor have I had this much fun in the game, in months.