In Diablo 4 Season 5, the best Uniques for Barbarians are necessary to set up the strongest builds. Late-game builds will often require certain Unique-tier items to function, so you'll need to know where to get them. These items can be anything, from weapons to jewelry, and will sometimes have effects that entirely change the function of a skill or passive.
Blizzard has buffed many of the underperforming Uniques, so new builds should open up for the new season. Some of these buffed items include weapons like Overkill and Hellhammer, as well as Armor like 100,000 Steps and Twin Strikes. It's unclear whether they've been improved enough to be viable, but players will be able to figure this out soon enough.
This article lists the 10 best Uniques for Barbarian players and what makes them so good.
Note: The following items have been ranked based on the writer's personal preferences.
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Best Barbarian uniques in Diablo 4 Season 5
10) Ring of Red Furor

This unique ring is a bit too situational to be higher on our list but is still good enough to merit use in the new season of Diablo 4. If you find this item early on, it can be a useful boost to your stats as you grind for better gear. Like most uniques, this one will drop randomly from monsters and chests. It can also be farmed from Uber Echo of Varshan.
This item has been updated for Season 5, buffing some stats and changing others entirely. The biggest changes are foregoing Strength for Crit damage, removing Resource Generation, and adding Attack Speed. Its main effect guarantees a critical strike after using Hammer of the Ancients, Upheaval, or Death Blow within 5 seconds. This effect has had its Crit Damage cap increased to 40% in Season 5.
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9) Ancients' Oath

The Ancients' Oath was a solid pick in Season 4 and will continue to be with the new Season 5 changes in Diablo 4. This weapon specializes in builds that focus on Berserking and the use of Steel Grasp. Even if you aren't using those, its stat bonuses will be helpful if you don't have better options yet. This item only drops from level 85+ enemies and can be farmed from either The Beast in the Ice or Grigoire uber bosses.
This weapon received a buff for Season 5, increasing its stats and altering some benefits. These changes include removing damage to Healthy enemies, adding Vulnerable damage, adding Strength, and adding Cooldown reduction. The weapon's unique effect, which causes Steel Grasp to launch two additional chains, has remained the same.
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8) Ring of the Ravenous

This ring specializes in Brawling skills, making it a great find for anyone looking to build around them. If you're hoping to set up a build in Season 5 that focuses on these skills or ones that utilize the Rend debuff, then you'll want this item. This item will drop from random enemies and chests like most uniques, but can also be specifically farmed from The Beast in the Ice Uber boss.
This item was largely left the same but did receive three changes in the patch buffs, two of which may be rather strong for Rend builds. The Ring of the Ravenous gives Elemental resistance, Critical chance, Vulnerable damage, and now also gives 2-3 to Rend. Its unique effects are increasing Rend duration by 4-8 seconds and causing Brawling skills to apply 2 stacks of Rend Bleed.
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7) Overkill

This two-handed mace is ideal for builds that revolve around the Death Blow skill. It also makes for an excellent stat boost while leveling or grinding out specific uniques. This weapon also gives notable increases to Injured Enemy Damage, meaning any build that focuses on executing enemies below 35% health will need it. This weapon only drops from level 85+ monsters or Lord Zir Uber.
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Like the other uniques on our list, this too got buffed for the Season 5 release, which will hopefully make it more widely used. Important changes are removing Overpower damage, adding Injured enemy damage, adding Strength, and increasing the Death Blow cap to 4-6.
The weapon's unique effect, which adds a Shockwave to Death Blow, is mostly the same except that its damage range has increased from 24-38% to 25-45%. This is a very strong option for any build that uses the related skills or for anyone just looking for something to get them through mid-game.
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6) Hellhammer

The unique two-handed mace, Hellhammer, continues to be a strong choice for Barbarian players. Those choosing to run builds that focus on the Upheaval skill or Burning debuff will definitely want this to complete their setup. The item drops from level 85+ monsters, so you'll need to take a bit of time before getting it. It can also be farmed for from The Beast in the Ice Uber boss.
This item got a big touch-up from the Season 5 patch changes that are looking to make it much more useful for its specialty. The most noteworthy changes are increasing Upheaval to +4-6, adding Wallop +2-4, adding Strength, and adding damage to Burning enemies +300%. The weapon's unique effect, which causes Upheaval to ignite the ground, now also increases in damage by 10% for every 100 Strength you have.
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5) Fields of Crimson

The Fields of Crimson is a unique Diablo 4 two-handed sword with a focus on Bleeding damage. If you're looking for a Barbarian build that focuses on spreading DoT ailments then this will probably be a good place to start. This item drops from any level 85+ monsters but has an increased drop chance from Zombies, Skeletons, Beasts, and Knights. It can be farmed from The Beast in the Ice and Varshan.
In Season 5 it will receive some stat boosts and changes, but its niche as a Bleed focus weapon will stay the same. Important changes are receiving increased Strength, increased damage to Bleeding enemies, and enhanced Rupture explosion size. The unique effect, which spreads Bleed when attacking enemies with Rupture, has not been changed.
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4) The Third Blade

This unique sword is new and being added to Season 5. It's already ranked highly however because of its listed stats and effects. This weapon greatly alters the way Weapon Mastery skills are used so any build focusing on these will want to give this a look. It can be dropped from enemies in Tier 3 and 4 worlds but is most efficiently farmed from Infernal Hordes.
This sword has some impressive stats, but the most important aspect by far is the unique effect. Some noteworthy passives are having 30-40% Vulnerable damage, 49-63 Strength, and 1-2 Fury on kill. The unique effect makes all Weapon Mastery skills change to Core skills, which have no cooldowns but cost Fury. It also reduces these skills' Fury cost by 5 for the additional charges it had.
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3) Ramaladni's Magnum Opus

This sword was a frequent pick in Season 4, but it will be even better for Season 5. It doesn't specialize in any particular skill but rather on constantly expending Fury to buff any skill you want to use. This makes it one of the best choices for nearly any build, but especially for those who need a good weapon for mid and late-game. It drops from Tier 3 and 4 world and can be farmed from Lord Zir and Girgoire.
This weapon didn't receive many big changes in Season 5 but still got a few noteworthy buffs. The biggest changes are adding Strength, removing damage with Dual-Wielded weapons, adding Critical damage, and adding Overpower damage. All these together will make it great for most content, including Diablo 4 questing.
The unique effect increases damage of Skills for each point of Fury you have but makes you lose 10 points of Fury every second. This has been changed from the previous 2 points of Fury lost every second, and had its damage range increased from 0.2-0.4% to 0.2-0.5% per point of Fury.
2) Rage of Harrogath

The Rage of Harrogath is one of the most popular picks for Barbarians in Diablo 4. It's been a strong pick for nearly any build but is going to be an even stronger one in Season 5. This item can grant you Cooldown Reduction, which is good for any build. It can drop from level 85+ monsters with a better chance from Beasts, Vampire, Werewolves, and Wildlife. The Ubers Lord Zir and Girgoire also drop it.
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In the upcoming patch, Blizzard has made this unique armor even better with several stat changes. The most important changes are increased Damage Over Time, adding Critical Chance, and lowered minimum of damage reduction from Bleeding enemies. The unique effect, which can Reduce Cooldowns when inflicting Bleeding, has had its proc chance increased to 20-60%.
Unfortunately, this armor piece won't afford you any out-of-combat benefits like some. If you want to be able to increase your non-combat stats, like movement speed, you'll have to stick with something like your Diablo 4 mount.
1) The Grandfather

This Ancestral Mythic two-handed sword was the best pick for Barbarians in Season 4 and will continue to be so in Season 5, even with no buffs. The Grandfather does not buff any specific skills or damage types but instead massively buffs your damage across the board with its stats. This item can drop from level 85+ enemies and Nightmare Dungeons, as well as the Duriel and Andariel Uber bosses.
The Grandfather manages to reach its place at the top of nearly every tier list by increasing any Barbarian build's damage massively. Its most noteworthy stats are increasing Critical damage, increasing Damage, increasing All Stats, and ignoring Durability loss. The weapon's unique effect Increases all Critical damage by 60-100%.