Diablo 4’s been around a few years, and with Season 8, hopefully we will start seeing some changes to the baseline mechanics. Not all is perfect, such as the Renown system. Some players have recently remarked that the system’s XP rewards are paltry, practically meaningless sums of XP. With this in mind, perhaps we could just see a rework to the whole system.
The Renown system offers players various rewards for taking part in specific events in regions, as well as a little XP. With the addition of more features, modes, and mechanics being added to Diablo 4, perhaps they could be included as ways to improve your Renown score in Season 8.
Note: Aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the writer's opinions.
It’s time for Diablo 4’s Renown system to update in Season 8
Season 8 – or perhaps a future season beyond – in Diablo 4 could see players actually care about their Renown system growth. Let’s look at it objectively. What do you actually receive from this system that matters? +Potion Capacity, Skill Points, and later, Paragon Points. The gold is practically a nothing burger. +1,000 gold? 10,000 gold? And then in addition, a tiny bit of bonus XP.

There needs to be something more to this. The EXP should matter more, that’s for sure. I am hally with the Skill Points and Renown, not to mention the Potion capacity. However, I couldn’t possibly care about the XP and gold. I didn’t even really realize it gave exp, despite playing the game since launch.
While I’m not entirely sure what this system could give you in terms of rewards, I think a good start is making the XP rewards more meaningful. As far as rewards go, the developers could hand out random ones, such as Legendary Aspects, or perhaps gear that fits your class – that would make it meaningful, but I don’t know how viable it would be.
In terms of updating the overall system, Blizzard Entertainment could add more to the how you gain Renown in Diablo 4 Season 8. Maybe World Bosses/Legion events as ways to gain Renown? Or perhaps taking part in other world events like Helltides, Seasonal content, or Infernal Hordes, which were added in Season 5.
While we don't have all the answers, I certainly feel like there’s something to be had in improving the Renown system in D4. It’s something that many players likely don’t even think about when creating a character. I sure don’t. I log into a new character, claim the rewards, and don’t think about it ever again unless I absolutely have to.
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