Diablo 4 introduces five character classes, namely Barbarian, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Rogue, and Druid. Each class has its own unique abilities and skills. The Rogue class specializes in agility, making swift attacks with high precision. The Season of the Malignant brought many new changes to the game mechanics and in the character classes as well.
In this article, we will explore the different kinds of builds for the Rogue character class in the Season of the Malignant.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's4 opinions on the matter.
Tier list for Rogue builds in Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant

The S-Tier builds refer to the most superior class gear that is available for Rogue in Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant. The Twisting Blades is one of the builds that must belong to this section.
It is an all-rounder build that can be beneficial for both leveling up your character and in the endgame grinding missions. The Flurry Leveling Rogue build is best for leveling up your character to 50-75.
- Twisting Blades
- Flurry Leveling Rogue

The A-Tier consists of those builds that have relatively less power than those of the S-Tier ones but prove effective in leveling up your character in the mid-game part ranging from level 50-75. For the Imbuement builds, it is recommended to use the Inner Sight Specialization.
Pair the skills with various aspects such as the Aspect of Disobedience, the Aspect of Surprise, the Bladedancer's Aspect, and others to unleash the ultimate power of the skills.
- Shadow Imbuement Build
- Poison Imbuement Build
- Rapid Fire Build
- Barrage Build

The B-Tier consists of the average class gears, which may be used in mid-game when your character's level lies in the range of 50-75. The Death Trap, Poison Trap, and Penetrating Shot Build suit best for the B-Tier gear for your Rogue class character.
These builds combine crowd-controlling abilities and various AoE effects to unleash Rogue's potential power.
- Death Trap Build
- Poison Trap Build
- Penetrating Shot

There are some builds available for Rogue that you might be using only for pushing up the XP at the beginning of the game up to level 50. These are below-average builds that may not be of much use in mid-game and endgame grinding, where you require high-class weapons, armor, and other gear.
Invigorating Strike, Flurry, and Shadow Step are some of the skills that go with these builds.
- Rogue Leveling Build
- Shadow Clone Build
This was all about the Build Tier list for the Rogue character class. Hopefully, this helps in having a clear understanding of the gear you can use in various moments in Diablo 4.