The Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred are one of the many currencies that players can earn in the game. These currencies can be used to purchase in-game effects, which range from cosmetics to elixirs to incense. While the cosmetics don't have any effect on gameplay whatsoever, the rest give players an edge in a host of activities in the game.
The Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred can only be earned in a specific zone. That said, here's everything players need to know about this currency in the game.
How to get the Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred
The Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred can only be earned in two specific zones in the Sanctuary. The first one is in the Dry Steppes region, while the other one is in the Kehjistan region of the map. These areas are known as the Fields of Hatred. If you're having trouble figuring out where they are, head into the map and look for areas that have a reddish hue on them.
Now, there's a high chance that you might end up confusing these areas with the Helltide regions when they're active. However, the Helltide appears bright red when it's active, whereas the Fields of Hatred are a mix of pink and red in color. Unlike the Helltide, these are active all the time.
Once you've located these Fields of Hatred, you need to head over there and start slaying enemies. Despite being a PvP currency, you don't need to defeat other players to earn the Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred. Whenever you defeat an enemy in there, they will drop Seeds of Hatred. The number of seeds that they drop depends upon the type of enemy you've defeated.
There is no limit to the number of seeds that you can carry. However, do keep in mind that whenever you're killed in the Fields of Hatred, you will drop a considerable number of the seeds that you've collected. You have to go back and collect them unless someone else picks them up before you.
How to purify Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred
Once you've collected these seeds, you will have to purify them at the different altars present in the Fields of Hatred. All you need to do is walk up to an altar and interact with it. When you do so, there will be a 45-second timer that will count down. During this time, you will have to survive and kill all enemies that spawn near the altar.
You won't have to seek them out because they will come and attack you by default. If you survive this onslaught, all the seeds will be converted into Red Dust. You will then be able to use this Red Dust to make purchases from the PvP vendor who's in the cities outside the Fields of Hatred.