Diablo 4 update 2.0.5 patch notes: Mid-season balance changes galore

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Diablo 4's final mid-Season patch of the year is coming soon enough (Image via Blzzard Entertainment)

Diablo 4 is set to deploy update 2.0.5, possibly the last mid-season patch of this year, on November 19, 2024. With a massive set of patch notes, this update is set to bring a good number of balance changes and adjustments to further improve some of the off-meta stuff. There's also a host of QoL changes to be found, including the default selection during gear Enchantment being set to "No changes".


For those eagerly awaiting Diablo 4 patch 2.0.5 next week, here's a preview of the full patch notes (sans bug fixes).

Diablo 4 version 2.0.5 patch notes: All base game changes


Balance Updates


Mythic Unique Items

Shattered Vow

  • +400% Damage to Healthy Enemies replaced with +44% damage over time duration.

Andariel's Visage

  • Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.

Unique Items

Penitent Greaves

  • Chill per second is now 3 times higher.

Endurant Faith

  • Damage distribution time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

Legendary Aspects

Bold Chieftain's Aspect

  • Maximum active Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 70%.

Aspect of Adaptability

  • Both effects now apply to Basic Skills even when they are not Cast, such as the free Storm Strike triggered from Greatstaff of the Crone.



Ground Stomp

  • Damage increased from 35% to 80%.

Strategic Ground Stomp

  • Ultimate Cooldown Reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds, up to an increased max of 15 seconds from 12.

Hammer of the Ancients

  • Damage increased from 55% to 70%.


  • Damage increased from 100% to 120%.
  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 25% to 30%.

Enhanced Upheaval

  • Stun chance increased from 35% to 45%.

Furious Upheaval

  • Damage bonus stacks increased from 8 to 10.
  • Damage per stack increased from 15% to 20%.

Double Swing

  • Damage increased from 50% to 60%.


  • Damage increased from 12% to 25%.
  • Bleeding damage increased from 105% to 120%.


  • Damage increased from 42% to 55%.


  • Damage increased from 18% to 60%.

Iron Skin

  • Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds.

Enhanced Iron Skin

  • Previous: Iron Skin's Barrier absorbs 25% more of your Maximum Life.
  • Now: Iron Skin grants Unhindered for 5 seconds and its Barrier absorbs 30% more of your Maximum Life.

Tactical Iron Skin

  • Healing per second based on Barrier increased from 10% to 20%.

Strategic Iron Skin

  • Fortify amount increased from 20% Maximum Life to 30%.

Death Blow

  • Damage increased from 120% to 140%.

Enhanced Death Blow

  • Death Blow Boss damage bonus increased from 150% to 200%.


  • Damage increased from 13% to 25%.

Enhanced Rupture

  • Damage bonus per 50 Strength increased from 20% to 35%.

Steel Grasp

  • Damage increased from 23% to 35%.

Mighty Throw

  • Base damage increased from 80% to 120%.
  • Pulse damage increased from 35% to 55%.
Developer’s Note: This change is to compensate for a bug fix related to the tempering affix that gives a chance to deal double damage.


Heavy Handed

  • Critical Strike Damage increased from 5/10/15% to 6/12/18%.

Pit Fighter

  • Previous: You deal 3% increased damage and gain 2% Distant Damage Reduction.
  • Now: You deal 3% increased damage and gain 2% Damage Reduction.

No Mercy

  • Previous: You have 3/6/9% increased Critical Strike Chance against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.
  • Now: You gain 3/6/9% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Legendary Aspects


  • Previous: Gain Berserking for 1.5-4.0 seconds after swapping weapons 8 times.
  • Now: Gain 20-40% increased damage and Berserking for 4 seconds after swapping weapons 8 times.

Of Sundered Ground

  • Damage bonus increased from 30-50% to 50-70%.

Unique Items

Twin Strikes

  • Damage increased from 30-60% to 50-80%.

Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty

  • Berserking damage bonus increased from 15% to 25%.

Gohr's Devastating Grips

  • Damage increased from 40-70% to 50-80%.

Ring of Red Furor

  • Critical Strike Damage increased from 30-60% to 50-80%.

100,000 Steps

  • Effect can occur every 5 seconds instead of every 10.

Fields of Crimson

  • Blood pool damage bonus increased from 30% to 50%.


  • Shockwave damage increased from 40-60% to 60-80%.


Blood Rage Legendary Node

  • Maximum damage bonus increased from 30% to 45%.

Decimator Legendary Node

  • Vulnerable damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.
  • Overpower damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.




  • Spirit Cost reduced from 40 to 35.

Storm Strike

  • Removed the 20% reduced damage when Storm Strike chains to surrounding enemies.


  • Poisoning damage increased from 175% to 275%.

Grizzly Rage

  • Damage bonus increased from 30%[x] to 50%[x].



One with Nature

  • Companion bonus damage increased from 60% to 80%[x].

Ursine Strength

  • Overpower damage increased from 45% to 70%[x].

Bestial Rampage

  • Werebear damage increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].
  • Werewolf attack speed increased from 20%[+] to 30%[+].

Lupine Ferocity

  • Critical Strike Damage increased from 70%[x] to 100%[x], and from 140%[x] to 200%[x] against Injured enemies.

Earthen Might

  • Base chance increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Bonus chance for Critical Strikes increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Bonus chance for hitting a Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back enemy increased from 10% to 15%.

Nature's Fury

  • Chance increased from 35% to 40%.

Perfect Storm

  • Spirit Gain increased from 1 to 2.
  • Damage increased from 45%[x] to 60%[x].

Spirit Boons

Pack Leader

  • Chance to reset Companion Skills increased from 25% to 30%.


  • Ultimate Skill duration increased from 25% to 35%.

Scythe Talons

  • Critical Strike Chance increased from 10%[+] to 15%[+].

Swooping Attacks

  • Attack Speed increased from 15%[+] to 20%[+].

Avian Wrath

  • Critical Strike Damage increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].

Iron Feather

  • Maximum Life increased from 20%[x] to 30%[x].


  • Damage increased from 100% to 250%.


  • Healing increased from 5% to 10% of Maximum Life.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Ursine Horror

  • Tectonic Spike damage increased from 120-200% to 200-300%.

Stormchaser's Aspect

  • Previous: Tornado will seek up to 1-5 targets.
  • Now: Tornado will seek up to 1-5 targets and deal 30-50%[x] increased damage.

Stormclaw's Aspect

  • Damage increased from 40-60% to 60-80%.

Aspect of Natural Balance

  • Earth Critical Strike damage increased from 30-50%[x] to 50-70%[x].
  • Storm Skill Critical Strike Chance increased from 8-13.3%[+] to 10-15%[+].

Aspect of Trampled Earth

  • Landslide damage increased from 70-110% to 100-140% of normal damage.

Aspect of the Tempest

  • Hurricane damage per second active increased from 10.5-20.5% to 15-25%.

Aspect of the Rabid Bear

  • Poison damage increased from 30-90%[x] to 60-120%[x].

Unique Items

Airidah's Inexorable Will

  • Damage scaling increased from 2.0% to 10.0% per 1 point of Willpower.

Dolmen Stone

  • Boulder damage per rotating Boulder increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.

Stone of Vehemen

  • Stone Burst final explosion damage increased from 10-15% to 15-20%.
  • Stone Burst damage per size increased from 10-15% to 15-20%.

The Basilisk

  • Damage increased from 100-600% to 300-900%.
  • Now always works against Healthy enemies instead of on the first hit. It can trigger against bosses once every 5 seconds.


Constricting Tendrils Legendary Paragon Node

  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 15% to 40%.
  • Damage increased from 150% to 300% of the Skill's Base damage.





  • Damage increased from 33% to 60% per second.
  • Essence gain per second increased from 10 to 13 and now increases with your Attack Speed bonuses.


  • Damage increased from 27% to 40%.
  • Essence generated increased from 9 to 13.

Bone Splinters

  • Damage increased from 9% to 15%.
  • Essence generated increased from 7 to 10.


  • Damage increased from 13% to 20%.
  • Now generates 15 Essence when hitting a boss.

Bone Storm

  • Damage increased from 180% to 300%.



  • Previously: Your Bone Skills deal 5/10/15%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies.
  • Now: Your Bone Skills deal 6/12/18%[x] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Compound Fracture

  • Damage increased from 5/10/15%[x] to 6/12/18%[x].


  • The 2%[x] increased Shadow damage now stacks up to 4 times, up from 3.


  • Damage increased from 44% to 60%.


  • Damage increased from 80% to 100%.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Empowering Reaper

  • Pool of Blight bonus damage increased from 60-140%[x] to 70-190%[x].

Reaping Lotus' Aspect

  • Sever damage increased from 110%-170% to 140-200% of normal damage.

Unique Items

Deathless Visage

  • Damage increased by 5% for every 20% of your Critical Strike Damage, down from every 30%.

The Mortacrux

  • Chance to spawn a Skeletal Simulacrum increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.

Howl from Below

  • Corpse Explosion damage increased from 30-50% to 50-90%.



Invigorating Strike

  • Base damage increased from 35% to 45%.

Forceful Arrow

  • Base damage increased from 22% to 33%.

Twisting Blades

  • Base damage increased from 54% to 70%.

Penetrating Shot

  • Base damage increased from 70% to 95%.

Advanced Penetrating Shot

  • Previous: When cast with full Energy, Penetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies will also be Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.
  • Now: When cast with full Energy, Penetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies will take 50%[x] increased damage and be Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.
Developer’s Note: The Tooltip for Advanced Penetrating Shot in-game will soon be updated to show that Elite enemies take multiplicative damage.


  • Base damage increased from 130% to 150%.

Advanced Flurry

  • Energy cost reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Rapid Fire

  • Base damage increased from 33% to 40%.

Enhanced Rapid Fire

  • Critical Strike Chance per shot increased from 5% to 7.5%.


  • Base damage increased from 40% to 65%.

Dance of Knives

  • Added that its damage is increased by Attack Speed in the tooltip.
  • Improved the distance tracking.
  • Base damage increased from 64% to 86%. Note that these percentages relate to when a one-handed weapon is equipped.

Smoke Grenade

  • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 10 seconds.
  • Base damage increased from 45% to 90%.

Countering Concealment

  • This skill now properly maintains the buff for 5 seconds after casting, regardless of whether you leave Stealth while it is active.
  • Tooltip updated for clarity.

Shadow Imbuement

  • Damage to single enemies when the infection expires increased from 40% to 60%.


Deadly Venom

  • Damage increased from 3/6/9% to 6/12/18%.


  • Damage increased from 6/12/18% to 8/16/24%.


  • The explosion from Victimize can happen much more frequently than before.
  • Damage scaling increased from 120% to 150%.

Alchemical Admixture

  • Potency scaling increased from 20% to 40%.
  • Fewer non-physical damage types are required to gain this benefit, reduced from 3 to 2.


  • Damage scaling increased from 15% to 20%.

Close Quarters Combat

  • Damage scaling increased from 15% to 25%.


  • Damage per stack increased from 5% to 6%.


  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 25% to 40%.
  • Stun grenade damage increased from 40% to 80%.


Leyrana's Instinct

  • Damage cap while Inner Sight is full increased from 35% to 60%.

Legendary Aspects


  • Damage increased from 40-60% to 60-80%.

Unique Items


  • Damage bonus when activated increased from double to triple damage.


  • Core damage increased from 20-40% to 50-70%.

Pitfighter's Gull

  • Critical damage increased from 33% to 45%.

Asheara's Kanjar

  • Damage cap increased from 20-40% to 30-50%.

Scoundrel's Kiss

  • Damage increased from 15-35% to 35-55%.




  • Increased damage from 96% to 120%.

Enhanced Meteor

  • Previous: If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, there is a 30% chance an additional Meteor falls on the same location.
  • Now: If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, an additional Meteor falls on the same location.

Enhanced Hydra

  • Previous: While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head.
  • Now: While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head and deal 50%[x] increased damage.


  • Damage increased from 40% to 70%.


  • Damage per second increased from 101% to 120% up to 136% to 162%.


Vyr’s Mastery

  • Increased damage from 250% to 500%.


  • Previous: Your Burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage, and an additional 4%[x] per unique source of Burning you have applied to the enemy.
  • Now: Your Burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage and an additional 25%[x] of your Bonus Damage to Burning Enemies.


  • Increased Lucky Hit Chance from 10% to 30%.
  • Removed double chance for Avalanche to activate against Vulnerable enemies, instead, damage is now increased by an additional 25%[x] against Vulnerable enemies.

Legendary Aspects and Unique Items

Aspect of Charged Flash

  • Now deals critical surge damage from Enhanced Charged Bolts instead of critical flat damage.

Aspect of Overheating

  • Previous: After channeling Incinerate for 3 seconds it deals X Critical Fire damage per second for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.
  • Now: After channeling Incinerate for 2 seconds it deals 75-100% increased damage for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.

Aspect of Piercing Cold

  • Previous: Ice Shards pierce 3-19 times, dealing 25-5% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.
  • Now: Ice Shards pierce 10 times, dealing 4-10% more damage per subsequent enemy hit.

Starfall Coronet

  • Reduced minimum cooldown from 4 seconds to 3 seconds and increased the number of charges from 2 to 3.


Stalagmite Glyph

  • Increased Ice Spikes bonus from 16.7%[+] to 18.8%[+].

Torch Glyph

  • Increased the additional bonus cap from 12.5%[x] to 25%[x].

Pyromaniac Glyph

  • Increased the additional bonus rate from 2% to 3% and cap from 10%[x] to 18%[x].

Party Finder

  • The Echo of Hatred boss fight has been added as an activity for Party Finder.
  • Additional tooltips and icons have been added in various contexts to increase the visibility of the Party Finder feature.
  • The default keyboard shortcut and emote wheel action for opening Party Finder will now open the last used tab. It will default to the Find tab the first time.

User Interface and User Experience

  • The description for changing difficulties now specifies that unlock conditions are character-specific.
  • The icons for difficulties have been updated to be more visually distinctive.
  • No Change is now the default selected option when Enchanting an item.


  • Loot quality for Legion Event chests has been increased.
  • Artillery, Blast Wave, and Conduit shrines now deal increased damage, scaling with both Character level and Paragon level.
  • The Malignant Heart cost for crafting Mucus-Slicked Eggs has been decreased from 9 to 3.

Diablo 4 version 2.0.5 Vessel of Hatred changes


Ritual Runes


  • Is no longer blocked by invulnerability.
  • The Tooltip now specifically states that you must take health damage to stop this effect.


  • Offering increased from 25 to 35.

Invocation Runes


  • Reduced the spread of Meteorites when they fall.
  • Meteorites have less delay between volleys.


  • Spirit Wolves now all have the Unhindered buff allowing them to move through enemies and the player, because spirits don't normally run into things.


  • Now spawns 3 Pestilent Swarms at a time.
  • Damage reduced from 300% to 150%.


  • Duration increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
  • Duration now properly refreshes.


  • Increased from 1% to 2.5%.


  • Offering cost reduced from 400 to 300.



Shield Throw

  • Increased Taunt duration from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Increased number of bounces from 3 to 9 targets.
  • Increased damage from 225% to 450% damage.

Iron Wolf’s Ward

  • Increased Valiance Cooldown Reduction from 25% to 35%.

Iron Wolf’s Virtue

  • Increased Valiance Cooldown Reduction from 25% to 35%.

Iron Wolf’s Arrival

  • Increased Valiance Cooldown Reduction from 25% to 35%.

Sundering Shield

  • Increased the burst damage of Crater by 200%.

Draw Fire

  • Removed the ability to use a Potion while at Maximum Life.


Ancient Harpoon

  • Increased Stun duration from 2 to 4 seconds, damage from 140% to 200%.


  • Increased Physical Damage from 65% to 85%.


  • Increased Slow duration from 3 to 5 seconds.


  • Increased Damage Reduction from 10% to 15%.

Taste of Flesh

  • Increased Heal amount from 1% to 2%.


Bargaining Chips

  • Increased Overpower damage from 2% to 5%.


  • Reduced detonation timer from 3 to 1.5 seconds.


  • Increased Crowd Control duration from 15%[+] to 25%[+].

Pin Cushion

  • Increased Immobilize duration from 2 to 3 seconds.


  • Increased damage from 300% to 450%.



  • Increased Daze chance from 5% to 10%.

Wave of Flame

  • Increased damage from 300% to 550%.

Curse of Flame

  • Reduced Resource drain from 10% to 8%.

Fire Shot

  • Increase damage from 40% to 90%.



Withering Fist

  • Poisoning damage increased from 30% to 36%.
  • Slow increased from 30% to 40%.

Sharp Withering Fist

  • Increased target spread from 3 to 5 enemies.

Toxic Skin

  • Passive damage increased from 30% to 36%.

Enhanced Toxic Skin

  • Bonus Toxic Skin damage increased from 100% to 130%.

Measured Toxic Skin

  • Damage increased from 15% to 36%.


  • Updated Soar's targeting on the controller to land at targeted enemies instead of at a max distance.

Razor Wings

  • Damage increased from 50% to 75%.
  • No longer has a short cooldown between casts.

Enhanced Rushing Claw

  • Bonus damage per hit increased from 10% to 20%, maximum bonus increased from 80% to 100%.

Poised Rushing Claw

  • Bonus Dodge duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.

Harmonious Devourer

  • Toxic Globs's damage now scales with The Devourer's Skill Ranks.

Exalted Devourer

  • Pestilence Swarm's damage now scales with The Devourer's Skill Ranks.



  • Bonus duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds.


  • Bonus Poisoning damage increased from 3/6/9%[x] to 4/8/12%[x] per rank.

Adaptive Stances

  • Bonus duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds.

Legendary Aspects and Unique Items

Aspect of Invigorating Will

  • Chance to Heal increased from 10% to 25%.

Bruiser's Aspect

  • Armor increased from 1% to 2% per 1% missing Maximum Life.

Aspect of Avoidance

  • Dodge Chance increased from 4-8% to 6%-10%.

Starving Ravager's Aspect

  • Vigor drain reduced from 25-5 to 14-4.

Aspect of Deflection

  • Damage increased from 25-32% to 26%-54%.

Aspect of Soil Power

  • Damage increased from 45%-60% to 180%-250%.

Nesekem, the Herald

  • Duration between marks reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.

You can check out the full patch notes on the official Blizzard post here. Stay tuned for more Diablo 4 news and updates on Sportskeeda!

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Edited by Adarsh J Kumar
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