One of the most frustrating things about Diablo 4 Season 7 — Lost Witch powers — will be a thing of the past when patch 2.1.2 drops. There will still be some RNG to the system, but Blizzard is adding something to that game that can guarantee a Forgotten Shrine will appear in Nightmare Dungeons. This is a major game changer and, admittedly, something that should have been in the seasonal content from the start. We’re glad it will be added in the coming week.
This change will add an affix to the Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon pools that will guarantee a Forgotten Shrine will be in that dungeon, meaning Lost Witch powers will be so much easier to farm. You’ll still need to get lucky enough to see Lost Witch powers on that Shrine, but you can manipulate that easily.
Diablo 4 patch 2.1.2 will give players a way to guarantee Lost Witch powers can be found
According to Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo 4 patch 2.1.2 will add an affix that guarantees the Nightmare Dungeon it's attached to will have a Forgotten Shrine. Considering many of the best builds in the game use at least one of the Lost Witch powers, such as Piranhado, it’s been frustrating for many players to try and unlock these. Not only should you be lucky enough to see a shrine but you must also see one that has one of those powers on it.

Now, you must still craft and roll Nightmare Dungeon Sigils and hope this affix is on them. We hope that there will be a greater chance of it appearing, but there’s no telling what the percentage chance is. If you happen upon a Nightmare Dungeon Sigil that does have this new affix, that dungeon will 100% have a Forgotten Shrine — this means you have a much better chance at finding Lost Powers in D4.
The best way to make sure your Forgotten Shrine has what you want on it is to make sure you unlock every Witch power other than the Lost Witch powers in Diablo 4 before you go hunting for Shrines. There’s a chance they could roll with normal powers too, which would no doubt be incredibly frustrating.
Thankfully, players won’t have to wait long for this patch, either. Patch 2.1.2 of D4 drops on February 18, 2025, and will come with a wealth of changes and updates in addition to this very important one for the Season of Witchcraft.
Check out our other Diablo 4 guides and features:
- Diablo 4: All new Witch Powers introduced in Season 7
- Diablo 4: All new Runes coming in Season 7
- Diablo 4: All new Uniques coming in Season 7
- Diablo 4: All new Legendary Aspects coming in Season 7