The WoW Classic Fresh servers are a great way for players to experience the “good old days” at a nice, relaxing pace, and now Phase 2 has officially begun. Similar to the Season of Discovery and other “Classic” experiences, the content is rolled out in sections, so players don’t get burnt out and do everything quickly. It allows for a more enjoyable pace. However, this is more than just adding a dungeon or two. Quite a bit of content was added.
Players will have access to things like their Epic Mounts if they are Paladins or Warlocks, important quests, and two classic, but challenging World Bosses. This content is primarily for high-level players, though if you like PVP, they’ve got something for you too in WoW Classic Fresh Phase 2.
Phase 2 of WoW Classic Fresh adds World Bosses, Dungeons, PVP, and more
As of January 9, 2025, WoW Classic Fresh added Phase 2 to the 20th Anniversary servers. In addition to the base content this adds, it ought to unlock a plethora of other challenges for players at high levels. Here’s what you can expect to tackle, once you’re at a high enough level:
- Updated Honor System (PVP)
- Dire Maul Dungeon
- Azuregos World Boss
- Kazzak World Boss
Dire Maul means all instances in Dire Maul should be open — that means it’s time to do Tribute Runs, forging the mighty Quel’Serrar blade for Paladins and Warriors, and to get Epic Mounts for Paladins and Warlocks. In addition, you should also have access to your class quests, which unlock the powerful Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas trinket.
It requires you to be level 60 and complete a quest in Dire Maul, but it grants Fire Resistance and a secondary, passive effect for each class in the game. For those not familiar, simply adding Dire Maul to the game adds around 20 bosses across three wings: East, North, and West. It's a massive dungeon that was once a Night Elf city. Now, it's home to a powerful Ogre clan and so many other threats.
While the new Honor System is also in place for PVP, all PVP instances aren’t unlocked yet in WoW Classic Fresh Phase 2. As of January 9, 2025, the Honor System is in, and on January 16, the Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds will be open globally.
At this time, you can reach Rank 11, and Rank 14 will come around the launch of the Blackwing Lair Raid, which, according to the roadmap, is Spring 2025. This should give players plenty of content until Spring when the next content drop happens.
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