Ash Rose in Fallout 76 is a collectible material that can be used in preparing various formulas and artisanal items. Finding the Ash Rose may not be a very easy task as they are not as common as BloodLeafs in Fallout 76. However, if you have the right idea about where to look for them in Appalachia, things will become much easier.
When in the radius of a blast zone, the Ash Rose turns into a Rad Rose. When a Rad Rose is harvested, it yields raw yellow flux. Ash Rose can be consumed on its own. When eaten, it restores a small chunk of your health bar but also gives rads. If you don’t want the rads, you can cook the flowers. Below we have shared the locations where you can find Ash Rose in Fallout 76.
Where to find Ash Rose in Fallout 76

Ash Roses are quite common in the Ash Heap area in Fallout 76. But it is not the only Fallout 76 location where you can find the flower. Here are some points of interest and areas where you can look for the Ash Rose.
- In the Ash Heap, ash roses are widespread, particularly between Big Bend Tunnel West and Welch.
- In Lewisburg, there's a lot on a rooftop greenhouse.
- In Hornwright testing Site 2, you can discover a lot of Ash Rose bushes in the east and south corners of the area right next to a lake
- Three at the abandoned mining shaft 1 behind the Quonset hut at the Ash Heap.
- There are a lot of them on Welch, drop to the southeast from the station cliffs all the way north to the edge of town to find the Ash Roses.
- At abandoned mine shaft 1, there are six.
- Silva Homestead is home to two.
- Billings Homestead is home to two.
- Look for ground fires to locate at least 4 north of The Sludge Works along the road.
Equip the Green Thumb perk to get the most yields each time you harvest the Ash Roses.
How to farm Ash Rose in Fallout 76?

Equip Green Thumb and use the fast travel to reach Lewisburg. Once there follow the road north and keep an eye on the buildings to your right. You will notice a staircase going all the way up to a building’s roof. Use it to climb up and you will see a greenhouse full of Ash Roses. Harvest them all and come back after a few days to do it again. Soon you will have plenty of Ash Roses in your inventory.
Uses of Ash Rose in Fallout 76

Ash Roses are used in the following recipes:
- Detoxing salve (Ash Heap)
- Disease cure (Ash Heap)
- Expensive perfume
- Formula P
- Formula Q
- Healing salve (Ash Heap)
- Simple ash rose tea
- Smoked mirelurk fillets
- Steeped ash rose tea
That’s all you must know about Ash Roses in Fallout 76. Have fun hunting for roses in a wasteland!