Fallout 1st is a premium subscription that offers Fallout 76 players some member-exclusive perks and benefits that can severely change the course of your gameplay. However, many have been skeptical and criticized the service, calling it a lazy cash grab from Bethesda. This raises the question, "Is Fallout 1st subscription worth getting in 2024?"
The answer is yes, Fallout 1st is still worth getting in 2024. While the subscription is expensive, it offers extremely effective benefits that make your life in the wasteland considerably easy. But it isn't a necessity as far as enjoying the game is concerned. You can play the base without the service and still have a great time.
All perks you get with Fallout 1st subscription in Fallout 76
Fallout is a series that wants the players to loot everything they see; after all, in the wasteland, you need every bit of scrap you can get. That’s why the infinite Scrapbox storage alone is a perk that changes the game drastically. No more tedious inventory Tetris or painful decision paralysis over which precious scrap to ditch.
Then we have the exclusive private world, a personal Sandbox server in Fallout 76 that can host up to seven players. You can quest, roam, and build without the threat of raids from other players. Perfect for when you need a break from the Scorched Earth of public servers.
Other perks include a monthly assortment of 1600 atoms that you can spend in the Atom shop, the Exclusive Ranger Outfit set, Survival Tents, cosmetics, icons, and emotes. The service also comes with the Fallout Season pass, giving access to all the new content packs, DLCs, and more that are being added to the season.
Is Fallout 1st membership worth it in 2024?
Although the benefits are very generous, the price is not so much. The service costs $12 per month and $99.99 for a year. The main criticism of the service was that all these benefits could have been added to the main game, but they were paywalled.
If you're new to the game, be cautious before purchasing. The upfront investment could sting more than a Radscorpion if you're unsure about sticking around long-term. Play a few hours of Fallout 76 to see if it's worth your time and if the benefits are crucial to your play style. Try rushing through the main quest first and get a solid taste to decide if Fallout 76's 1st membership is worth buying in 2024.