Introduced in the Wastelanders expansion, the Fallout 76 Secret Service armor stands out as one of the most formidable gear sets. As implied by its name, the pre-war Secret Service in Appalachia utilized this armor. It boasts high resistance against physical, energy, and radiation damage. Moreover, you can upgrade it to possess one of the highest radiation resistances in the game.
In terms of radiation resistance, only power armor sets, Chinese stealth armor, and hazmat suits surpass it, while a metal armor set provides superior damage resistance.
Nevertheless, the Secret Service armor is among the only two non-power armor sets in the title that you can customize with a jet pack mod.
This article will guide you in obtaining the Fallout 76 Secret Service armor.
Fallout 76 Secret Service armor location: Where to find it

To acquire the Fallout 76 Secret Service armor, you will have to purchase the crafting plans from Reginald Stone. However, before you can do so, you must first rescue this vendor, who is trapped inside a malfunctioned vault, by completing the Secrets Revealed quest. This quest is an integral part of the main storyline for the Wastelanders expansion.
You can find Reginald Stone in Vault 79, which is located in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia. After you unlock this vendor, you can purchase the following Secret Service armor crafting plans:
- Plan: Secret Service chest piece - 1250 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service helmet - 1650 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service left arm - 750 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service right arm - 750 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service left leg - 750 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service right leg - 750 bullion
- Plan: Secret Service underarmor - 250 bullion
You can craft them at an Armor workbench. Besides the helmet and underarmor, the rest of the set will be of Legendary quality and have a randomized Legendary armor effect.
Here are the materials required to craft the various pieces of the Fallout 76 Secret Service armor:
- Leather: 1
- Plastic: 3
- Rubber: 1
- Steel: 5
Arms (Level 50)
- Adhesive: 1
- Leather: 2
- Legendary module: 1
- Plastic: 6
- Rubber: 2
- Steel: 10
Chest (Level 50)
- Adhesive: 1
- Leather: 4
- Legendary module: 1
- Plastic: 13
- Rubber: 5
- Steel: 17
Legs (Level 50)
- Adhesive: 1
- Leather: 2
- Legendary module: 1
- Plastic: 8
- Rubber: 2
- Steel: 12
Fallout 76 Secret Service armor stats

Here are the stats for all the Secret Service armor:
Secret Service Left/Right Arm (Level 50)
- Damage Resistance: 40
- Energy Resistance: 40
- Radiation Resistance: 40
- Durability: 67-79
- Weight: 2.75
Secret Service Chest Piece (Level 50)
- Damage Resistance: 90
- Energy Resistance: 60
- Radiation Resistance: 60
- Durability: 67-79
- Weight: 7.0
Secret Service Left/Right Leg (Level 50)
- Damage Resistance: 40
- Energy Resistance: 40
- Radiation Resistance: 40
- Durability: 67-79
- Weight: 3.0
Secret Service Helmet
- Weight: 0.1
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