Vault 63 in Fallout 76 has been inaccessible since the game's launch. It is said that it was sealed during the Great War in 2077 and remains unchanged to this day. Many players have tried entering it by hacking their way in, but have found nothing. Fans have gone crazy behind this vault, wondering about the secrets it guards.
While there have been many speculations about the vault, players will finally get to explore it with the Skyline Valley update. Here’s more on Vault 63 and when they will be able to explore it in Fallout 76.
Vault 63 in Fallout 76 explorable with the Skyline Valley update

Vault 63 in Fallout 76 is located in the Ash Heap region off the Appalachia. While unexplorable until now, the upcoming Skyline update on June 4 will expand the map and allow players to explore what’s inside.
The expanded map with the new update is what actually makes the vault explorable. It is said to be home to electric ghouls, and is completely run by them. The electric ghouls are called The Lost and are a new addition Fallout 76. These ghouls do not communicate with others, are quite protective of their area, and are not friendly towards outsiders.
Players must be prepared before exploring it, as these ghouls can be dangerous. They are thus suggested to prepare a great build before heading inside the vault once it becomes explorable.
Other additions with the Fallout 76 Skyline Valley update
With the explorable Vault 63, Fallout 76 also brings various additions to the game. New enemies like Thrashers and Storm Goliath can be found in the new region and inside Vault 63. Hugo Stoltz, the overseer of the new vault, is the new NPC being added. The update will also bring new Public Events, Dangerous Pastimes, and Neurological Warfare.
It will also bring the game an expanded map, new wildlife, and improved visual effects. The Skyline Valley update for Fallout 76 is expected to go live on Tuesday, June 4, at 3 pm BST/10 am EDT/7 am PDT.