Starlight Berry in Fallout 76 is an essential ingredient for various crafting recipes. It is a type of fruit that can be harvested from a Starlight Creeper bush. You can also consume it raw with a specific mutation to double the hunger satisfaction. However, there's only a 35% chance of successfully harvesting this fruit, making it a somewhat rare commodity.
This guide covers everything you need to know about Starlight Berry in Fallout 76, including its uses and the best locations to find Starlight Creeper bushes.
Where to find Starlight Berry in Fallout 76

Before you start harvesting Starlight Berries from Starlight Creeper bushes in Fallout 76, you must equip the Green Thumb perk. This Perception-based perk doubles the amount of berries you collect. While it doesn't increase the 35% chance of successfully harvesting a berry, it does increase the yield.
Given below are the best locations to harvest Starlight Berries in Fallout 76:

- 18 Starlight Creeper plants can be found around the base and the western entrance to the caves in The Deep.
- 12 Starlight Creeper bushes are located around the ruins at the Black Mountain Ordnance Works.
- There are around three bushes at the Routes 95 and 91 intersection, east of Bolton Greens.
- Three plants grow west of the Charleston Landfill under a tree near a trailer.
- There are two plants on a farm south of Gorge Junkyard.
- Two more are located across the train tracks west of Gauley Mine.
- You will find two plants outside the Isolated Cabin.
- You will also find them in the Enclave Research Facility around the containment areas.
- Additionally, seven Starlight Berries can be found as loose items throughout the basement and ground floor of the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center.
What is Starlight Berry used for?
Starlight Berry in Fallout 76 can be used to craft the following recipes:
- Infused Soot Flower Tea
- Mutant Hound Stew
- Berry Mentats
- Delbert's Sweet Labrador Tea
- Seared Venison With Berries
- Sweet Blackberry Tea
- Sweet Mutfruit Tea
Additionally, you can consume Starlight Berries if you have the Herbivore mutation in Fallout 76. This mutation doubles the benefits of fruits while eliminating the chance of acquiring a disease.
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