Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05 official notes: New battle content, combat balance changes, and more

Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05
Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05 introduces the Savage difficulty of the first tier of the Arcadion Raid series (Image via Square Enix)

Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05 is a minor update that kicks off the "Race to World First" with the introduction of the Savage versions of the new raid series. The normal versions of these raids were added just a few weeks ago with patch 7.01. This staggered release of the raid series' different difficulty levels was a change made by Square Enix during the previous expansion to disincentivize veteran players from rushing through the storyline just to unlock the Savage version.


Here's a brief overview of all the latest additions and changes to Final Fantasy 14 in patch 7.05.

All new playable content in Final Fantasy patch 7.05


1) Treasure Hunt

Cenote Ja Ja Gural has been added in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

  • Cenote Ja Ja Gural consists of a series of chambers sealed behind imposing stone doors. After clearing each chamber, players must choose a door to proceed. Behind the correct door lies further chambers and the promise of priceless treasures. Selecting the wrong door will trigger a fiendish trap, transporting treasure-seekers back to the surface.
  • This instance can be accessed after finding and opening treasure coffers obtained from br'aaxskin treasure maps.

2) Housing

  • Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.
  • New furnishings have been added.
  • New orchestrion rolls have been added.

3) The raid dungeon AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) has been added in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

  • AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder.

Level Requirement:

  • Disciple of War or Magic level 100 (Two or more of the same job is not permitted)

Item Level Requirement:

  • AAC Light-heavyweight M1: Average Item Level 700 or above
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M2: Average Item Level 705 or above
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M3: Average Item Level 710 or above
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M4: Average Item Level 710 or above

Party Size:

  • Eight Players

Time Limit:

  • AAC Light-heavyweight M1: 90 minutes
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M2: 90 minutes
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M3: 90 minutes
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M4: 120 minutes


  • After completing the quest "The Neoteric Witch," speak to Gabbro in Solution Nine (X:22.3 Y:17.1) as a level 100 Disciple of War or Magic.


  • Upon completing AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) duties, treasure coffers will appear containing Dark Horse Champion's Coffers. When used, these items transform into gear corresponding to the user's current job. In addition, the coffers that appear upon completing AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage) yield weapons.
Coffer TypeEquipment Reward
Dark Horse Champion's Weapon Coffer (IL 735)Weapons
Dark Horse Champion's Head Gear Coffer (IL 730)Head
Dark Horse Champion's Chest Gear Coffer (IL 730)Body
Dark Horse Champion's Hand Gear Coffer (IL 730)Hands
Dark Horse Champion's Leg Gear Coffer (IL 730)Legs
Dark Horse Champion's Foot Gear Coffer (IL 730)Feet
Dark Horse Champion's Earring Coffer (IL 730)Earrings
Dark Horse Champion's Necklace Coffer (IL 730)Necklace
Dark Horse Champion's Bracelet Coffer (IL 730)Bracelets
Dark Horse Champion's Ring Coffer (IL 730)Ring
  • Regardless of whether your party contains a player replaying a duty prior to the weekly reset or not, one treasure coffer will appear.
  • If there are one to four players in your party replaying a duty, the number of treasure coffers appearing upon completion will decrease.
  • Players will be ineligible for rewards from treasure coffers as well as AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition when replaying a duty prior to the weekly reset.
  • If there are five to seven players in your party replaying a duty, no treasure coffers will appear.
  • Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. (PDT).
  • By selecting "Duty Completion," players will not be matched with those who have already completed the duty.

Item Exchange

  • In addition to gear, players will receive an AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition from each area, which can be exchanged for gear of your choosing.
  • Players will only receive one copy of AAC Illustrated per area each week upon completing said area for the first time.
  • By speaking with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4), players can exchange copies of AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition obtained from AAC Light-heavyweight Tier (Savage) for rewards.
Item TypeRequired Token/Number of Tokens
WeaponsAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV x 8
HeadAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition II x 4
BodyAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition III x 6
HandsAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition II x 4
LegsAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition III x 6
FeetAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition II x 4
AccessoriesAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition I x 3
Surgelight SolventAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition III x 4
Surgelight TwineAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition III x 4
Surgelight GlazeAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition II x 3
AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV x 1
AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IIAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV x 1
AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IIIAAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV x 1

The following duties have been added to the Raid Finder in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05:

  • AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M2 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)

When registering to undertake these duties, parties will be matched with one pure healer and one barrier healer.

The following trials have been added to Stone, Sky, Sea:

  • AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M2 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage)
  • AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)

4) Tomestone

Allagan tomestones of heliometry have been added in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

  • Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of heliometry per week, and carry a maximum of 2,000. Moreover, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of heliometry after reaching level 100 with at least one Disciple of War or Magic.
  • Speak with Zircon in Solution Nine (X:8.6 Y:13.5) after completing the main scenario quest "Dawntrail" to exchange Allagan tomestones of heliometry for gear.
  • Speak with Theone in Solution Nine (X:8.6 Y:13.6) after completing the main scenario quest "Dawntrail" to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of heliometry.

The number of Allagan tomestones received for completion of duty roulette has been adjusted in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

Duty RouletteAllagan Tomestones
Expert60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 40 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Leveling100 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Trials60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 15 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Main Scenario350 Allagan tomestones of poetics. 100 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Alliance Raids120 Allagan tomestones of poetics. 120 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 50 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Normal Raids80 Allagan tomestones of poetics. 60 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Mentor30 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 10 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
Frontline50 Allagan tomestones of aesthetics. 20 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.

5) Hunt

  • New elite marks have been added.

Also read: Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrial patch schedule

All combat balance changes in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

1) Actions and traits have been adjusted in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05


Royal AuthorityPotency has been increased from 180 to 200. Combo potency has been increased from 440 to 460.
Holy SpiritPotency has been increased from 370 to 400. Potency while under the effect of Divine Might has been increased from 470 to 500. Requiescat potency has been increased from 670 to 700.
AtonementPotency has been increased from 440 to 460.
SupplicationPotency has been increased from 460 to 500.
SepulchrePotency has been increased from 480 to 540.
ConfiteorPotency has been increased from 440 to 500. Requiescat potency has been increased from 940 to 1,000.
Blade of FaithPotency has been increased from 240 to 260. Requiescat potency has been increased from 740 to 760.
Blade of TruthPotency has been increased from 340 to 380. Requiescat potency has been increased from 840 to 880.
Blade of ValorPotency has been increased from 440 to 500. Requiescat potency has been increased from 940 to 1,000.

Dark Knight

Hard SlashPotency has been increased from 260 to 300.
Syphon StrikePotency has been increased from 220 to 240. Combo potency has been increased from 360 to 380.
SouleaterPotency has been increased from 240 to 260. Combo potency has been increased from 460 to 480.
ShadowstrideThe time between action activation and character movement has been reduced.
Carve and SplitPotency upon learning the trait Melee Mastery II has been changed from 510 to 540.
DisesteemPotency has been increased from 800 to 1,000.


TrajectoryThe time between action activation and character movement has been reduced.


True StrikePotency upon learning the trait Melee Mastery II has been changed from 1,400 to 1,500.
Snap PunchPotency has been increased from 800 to 900.
Twin SnakesPotency has been increased from 1,100 to 1,200.


Winged GlideThe time between action activation and character movement has been reduced.
StardiverPotency upon learning the trait Melee Mastery has been changed from 620 to 720.
StarcrossPotency has been increased from 700 to 900.


Gust SlashPotency has been increased from 220 to 240. Combo potency has been increased from 380 to 400.
Forked RaijuPotency has been increased from 640 to 700.
Fleeting RaijuPotency has been increased from 640 to 700.
Zessho MeppoPotency has been increased from 550 to 700. Mesui potency has been increased from 700 to 850.
Tenri JindoPotency has been increased from 1,000 to 1,100.


JinpuPotency has been reduced from 160 to 140. Combo potency has been reduced from 320 to 300.
ShifuPotency has been reduced from 160 to 140. Combo potency has been reduced from 320 to 300.
GekkoPotency has been reduced from 180 to 160. Rear potency has been reduced from 230 to 210. Combo potency has been reduced from 390 to 370. Combo flank potency has been reduced from 440 to 420.
KashaPotency has been reduced from 180 to 160. Flank potency has been reduced from 230 to 210. Combo potency has been reduced from 390 to 370. Combo rear potency has been reduced from 440 to 420.
YukikazePotency has been reduced from 180 to 160. Combo potency has been reduced from 360 to 340.
Meikyo ShisuiThe additional effect "Grants Tsubame-gaeshi" has been removed.
Midare SetsugekkaPotency has been reduced from 700 to 640.
Hissatsu: SeneiPotency has been reduced from 860 to 800.
Enhanced IaijutsuThe effect "Also grants Tsubame-gaeshi Ready after executing iaijutsu excluding Higanbana" has been added with a duration of 30 seconds.
Tsubame-gaeshiNow acquired at Level 74 (previously Level 76).
Kaeshi: GokenNow acquired at Level 74 (previously Level 76).
Kaeshi: SetsugekkaNow acquired at Level 74 (previously Level 76). Potency has been reduced from 700 to 640.
Enhanced Meikyo ShisuiThe effect "Grants Tsubame-gaeshi Ready" has been removed.
TengentsuTengentsu's Foresight effect "Restores HP when effect expires" has been changed to "Gradually restores your HP and reduces damage taken by 10%." Cure potency has been reduced from 500 to 200. Effect duration has been increased from 8 to 9 seconds.
GyofuPotency has been reduced from 240 to 230.
ZanshinPotency has been reduced from 900 to 820.
Tendo GokenPotency has been reduced from 420 to 410.
Tendo Kaeshi GokenPotency has been reduced from 420 to 410.


Soul SlicePotency upon learning the trait Melee Mastery III has been increased from 460 to 520.
PerfectioPotency has been increased from 1,200 to 1,300.


Steel Fangs Honed Steel potency of 300 has been added. The additional effect "Grants Honed Reavers" has been added with a duration of 60 seconds. Honed Reavers Effect: Increases the potency of Reaving Fangs by 100 and Reaving Maw by 20. Effect cannot be stacked with Honed Steel.
Hunter's StingPotency has been increased from 260 to 300.
Dread FangsAction name has been changed to Reaving Fangs. Potency has been increased from 140 to 200. Honed Reavers potency of 300 has been added. The additional effect "Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash" has been changed to "Grants Honed Steel" with a duration of 60 seconds. Honed Steel Effect: Increases the potency of Steel Fangs by 100 and Steel Maw by 20. Effect cannot be stacked with Honed Reavers.
Swiftskin's StingPotency has been increased from 260 to 300.
Steel MawHoned Steel potency of 120 has been added. The additional effect "Grants Honed Reavers" has been added with a duration of 60 seconds. Honed Reavers Effect: Increases the potency of Reaving Fangs by 100 and Reaving Maw by 20. Effect cannot be stacked with Honed Steel.
Flanksting StrikePotency has been increased from 300 to 340. Flank potency has been increased from 360 to 400. Effect duration of Hindstung Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Flanksbane FangPotency has been increased from 300 to 340. Flank potency has been increased from 360 to 400. Effect duration of Hindstung Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Hindsting StrikePotency has been increased from 300 to 340. Rear potency has been increased from 360 to 400. Effect duration of Flanksbane Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Hindsbane FangPotency has been increased from 300 to 340. Rear potency has been increased from 360 to 400. Effect duration of Flanksbane Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Dread MawAction name has been changed to Reaving Maw. Potency has been increased from 80 to 100. Honed Reavers potency of 120 has been added. The additional effect "Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash" has been changed to "Grants Honed Steel" with a duration of 60 seconds. Honed Steel Effect: Increases the potency of Steel Fangs by 100 and Steel Maw by 20. Effect cannot be stacked with Honed Reavers.
Hunter's BitePotency has been increased from 120 to 130.
SlitherThe time between action activation and character movement has been reduced.
Swiftskin's BitePotency has been increased from 120 to 130.
Jagged MawEffect duration of Grimskin's Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Bloodied MawEffect duration of Grimhunter's Venom has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds.
Death RattlePotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
DreadwinderAction name has been changed to Vicewinder. Potency has been increased from 450 to 500. The additional effect "Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash" has been removed.
Hunter's CoilPotency has been increased from 500 to 570. Flank potency has been increased from 550 to 620.
Swiftskin's CoilPotency has been increased from 500 to 570. Rear potency has been increased from 550 to 620.
Pit of DreadAction name has been changed to Vicepit. Potency has been increased from 200 to 220. The additional effect "Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash" has been removed.
Hunter's DenPotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
Twinfang BitePotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
Twinblood BitePotency has been increased from 100 to 120. Hunter's Venom potency has been increased from 150 to 170.
Uncoiled FuryPotency has been increased from 100 to 120. Swfitskin's Venom potency has been increased from 150 to 170.
ReawakenPotency has been increased from 600 to 680.
First GenerationPotency has been increased from 700 to 750.
Second GenerationPotency has been increased from 400 to 480. Potency when executed after Reawaken has been increased from 600 to 680.
Third GenerationPotency has been increased from 400 to 480. Potency when executed after First Generation has been increased from 600 to 680.
Fourth GenerationPotency has been increased from 400 to 480. Potency when executed after Second Generation has been increased from 600 to 680.
Uncoiled TwinfangPotency has been increased from 100 to 120. Poised for Twinfang potency has been increased from 150 to 170.
Uncoiled TwinbloodPotency has been increased from 100 to 120. Poised for Twinblood potency has been increased from 150 to 170.
OuroborosPotency has been increased from 1,050 to 1,150.
First LegacyPotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
Second LegacyPotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
Third LegacyPotency has been increased from 250 to 280.
Fourth LegacyPotency has been increased from 250 to 280.


Full Metal FieldPotency has been increased from 700 to 900.


Fan Dance IVPotency is now increased from 300 to 420 upon learning the trait Dynamic Dancer.

Thaumaturge/Black Mage

ThunderPotency has been reduced from 120 to 100. Damage over time potency has been increased from 40 to 45.
Umbral SoulThe additional effect "Halts the expiration of Umbral Ice" has been added. Now grants Umbral Ice III, 3 Umbral Hearts, and restores 10,000 MP when used while outside of combat.
Thunder IIIPotency has been reduced from 160 to 120. Damage over time potency has been increased from 45 to 50.
FlareReduced damage for all remaining enemies has been changed from 40% to 30%.
Blizzard IVPotency has been increased from 310 to 320.
Fire IVPotency has been increased from 310 to 320.
DespairPotency has been increased from 340 to 350.
High ThunderPotency has been reduced from 200 to 150. Damage over time potency has been increased from 55 to 60.
Enhanced Enochian IIIMagic damage increase has been changed from 23% to 25%.
ParadoxPotency has been increased from 500 to 520. The additional effects granting Astral Fire and Fire Starter now require players to be under the effect of Astral Fire. The Umbral Ice bonus "Requires no MP to cast and grants Umbral Ice" has been added with a duration of 15 seconds.
Aspect Mastery VThe Paradox marker can now also be made active after reaching Astral Fire III then swapping to the opposite element.
Enhanced Enochian IVMagic damage increase has been changed from 30% to 33%.


NecrotizePotency has been increased from 420 to 440.
Umbral ImpulsePotency has been increased from 600 to 620.
SunflarePotency has been increased from 600 to 700.

Red Mage

Contre SixtePotency has been increased from 400 to 420.
ManaficationEffect duration of Magicked Swordplay has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
Enchanged ReprisePotency has been increased from 380 to 420.
Verthunder IIIPotency has been increased from 420 to 440.
Veraero IIIPotency has been increased from 420 to 440.

White Mage

DiaPotency has been increased from 70 to 75. Damage over time potency has been increased from 70 to 75.


Play I / Play II / Play IIIShared recast time has been removed.

The following additions and adjustments have been made to job gauges in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05:

  • Viper's Vipersight will now indicate when the effects of Honed Steel and Honed Reavers are active.
  • Black mage's Elemental Gauge will now indicate when the expiration of Umbral Ice is halted by Umbral Soul.

Read more: How to get job-specific Artifact gear in Final Fantasy 14

All new items, achievements, and changes in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

1) New Items and achievements in Final Fantasy patch 7.05

  • New items have been added.
  • Items added in patch 7.05 will be listed at a later date.
  • New recipes have been added.
  • Recipes added in Patch 7.05 will be listed at a later date.
  • New master recipes have been added.
  • New mounts have been added.
  • New achievements and titles have been added.
  • New trophies and achievements have been added. (PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S)
  • New music and sound effects have been added.

2) Changes in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

  • The sound effect of the crafter action Trained Perfection has been changed.
  • The item name Integral Magitek Paintbrush has been changed to Chondrite Magitek Paintbrush.
  • The restrictions placed on the Data Center Travel and World Visit systems to alleviate congestion after the release of Patch 7.0 have been lifted.
  • In the interest of encouraging an even distribution of active players across all Worlds, login caps for the Data Center Travel and World Visit systems are now tied to World classification (Standard, New, Preferred, Congested).
  • After launching the game client, certain effects and background elements will now load faster when displaying for the first time (Mac only).
  • The text of title menu selections unavailable while connecting to a data center now appears darker.

Certain items required for the crafter recipe Skyruin Barding have been changed in Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.05

Ruinous Plume x 1Ruinous Plume x 1
Garnet Cotton x 2Garnet Cotton x 2
Softsilver Ingot x 1Spodumene x 1
Thunderyards Silk x 2Thunderyards Silk x 2
Wind Cluster x 3Wind Cluster x 3
Fire Cluster x 3Fire Cluster x 3

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Edited by Angad Sharma
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