The Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail is the new melee DPS introduced with the expansion. It brings a unique twist to the combo system used by many jobs by adding branching options to each combo. While this might seem overwhelming at first, the Vipersight Gauge simplifies the combo chains, making it accessible for new players without a steep learning curve.
This guide covers everything you need to know about the Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail, including the best rotation, opener, and tips for playing it effectively in combat.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the writer's opinions.
Viper mechanics in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail
Dual Wield Viper Combos
The Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail features the following branching Dual Wield combos:
Single-Target Combo

First Skill in the Combo
- The single-target combo begins with either the Dread Fangs or the Steel Fangs skills.
- Steel Fangs deal more damage, but Dread Fangs apply the Noxious Gnash debuff, increasing the enemy's damage taken by 10%. So, use Dread Fangs as the combo starter only when you have to reapply the Noxious Gnash debuff and prioritize Steel Fangs otherwise.
Second Skill in the Combo
- Regardless of the combo starter, you have two options for the second skill in the combo: Swiftskin's Sting or Hunter's Sting.
- Swiftskin's Sting decreases your skill recast time and auto-attack delay by 15%, while Hunter's Sting increases your damage dealt by 10%.
Combo Finisher
- Depending on the second skill used, you have four options for the combo finisher: Hindsting Strike, Hindsbane Fang, Flanksting Strike, or Flanksbane Fang.
- Swiftskin's Sting: If you used this as your second skill, you can use either Hindsting Strike or Hindsbane Fang as the combo finisher. Hindsting Strike buffs the potency of Flanksbane Fang, while Hindsbane Fang buffs the potency of Flanksting Strike.
- Hunter's Sting: If you used this as your second skill, you can use either Flanksting Strike or Flanksbane Fang as the combo finisher. Flanksting Strike buffs the potency of Hindsting Strike, while Flanksbane Fang buffs the potency of Hindsbane Fang.
- Using a buffed combo finisher allows you to use the off-Global-Cooldown (oGCD) skill, Death Rattle.
While this might seem confusing and overwhelming, it fits perfectly into a structured rotation, alternating between different combo branches to maintain the various buffs. Each combo finisher buffs a different finisher. This means once you use any of the four finishers, the next will be the one that was buffed. This ensures the rest of the rotation remains fixed.
Here is an example rotation of the entire single-target combo for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Steel Fangs (use Dread Fangs instead if you need to reapply the Noxious Gnash debuff)
- Hunter's Sting (damage buff)
- Flanksting Strike (buffs Hindsting Strike)
- Death Rattle
- Steel Fangs (or Dread Fangs)
- Swiftskin's Sting (faster skill recast and auto-attack buff)
- Hindsting Strike (buffs Flanksbane Fang)
- Death Rattle
- Steel Fangs (or Dread Fangs)
- Hunter's Sting (refreshes damage buff)
- Flanksbane Fang (buffs Hindsbane Fang)
- Death Rattle
- Steel Fangs (or Dread Fangs)
- Swiftskin's Sting (refreshes faster skill recast and auto-attack buff)
- Hindsbane Fang (buffs Flanksting Strike)
- Death Rattle
- Repeat Loop
Additionally, the Vipersight Gauge and the highlighted skills in your hotbar will guide you through the order of skills to avoid breaking the combo chains.
Area-of-Effect (AoE) Combo

The AoE Combo is quite similar to the single-target one, featuring direct alternatives (Steel Maw, Dread Maw, Hunter's Bite, and Swiftskin's Bite) that apply the same buffs as the first and second skills of the single-target combo and trigger the oGCD skill, Last Lash, after the finisher.
However, there are only two combo finishers (Jagged Maw and Bloodied Maw) that buff each other instead of the four in the single-target combo.
Here's an example rotation of the entire AoE combo for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Steel Maw (use Dread Maw instead if you need to reapply the Noxious Gnash debuff)
- Hunter's Bite (damage buff)
- Jagged Maw (buffs Bloodied Maw)
- Last Lash
- Steel Maw (use Dread Maw instead if you need to reapply the Noxious Gnash debuff)
- Swiftskin's Bite (faster skill recast and auto-attack buff)
- Bloodied Maw (buffs Jagged Maw)
- Last Lash
- Repeat Loop
Also read: How to Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail?
Doubleblade Viper Combos
The Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail can also transform his Dual Wield Swords into a Doubleblade using skills, such as Dreadwinder (single-target) and Pit of Dread (AoE), for more powerful combos.
Here are the various branching Doubleblade Combos for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
Single-Target/AoE Combos

First Skill in the Combos:
- Dreadwinder/Pit of Dread: These skills have two charges with a recharge time of 40 seconds. They apply the Noxious Gnash debuff, increasing your damage inflicted by 10 percent. Additionally, they also grant you a charge of Rattling Coil, up to a maximum of three.
Second Skill in the Combos:
- Hunter's Coil/Hunter's Den: Increases outgoing damage by 10 percent and allows the use of two oGCDs in a specific order: Twinfang Bite/Twinfang Thresh > Twinblood Bite/Twinblood Thresh.
- Swiftskin's Coil/Swiftskin's Den: Decreases the skill recast time and auto-attack delay by 15 percent and allows the use of the same two oGCDs in the reverse order: Twinblood Bite/Twinblood Thresh > Twinfang Bite/Twinfang Thresh.
Final Skill in the Combo:
- Whichever ability was used for the second skill in the combo, the remaining one will be your final skill. For example, if your second skill combo sequence was Hunter's Coil > Twinfang Bite > Twinblood Bite, then your final skill combo sequence will be Swiftskin's Coil > Twinblood Bite > Twinfang Bite.
Here's an example rotation of the entire Dualblade combo for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Dreadwinder/Pit of Dread (Noxious Gnash debuff)
- Hunter's Coil/Hunter's Den (damage buff)
- Twinfang Bite/Twinfang Thresh
- Twinblood Bite/Twinblood Thresh
- Swifskin's Coil/ Swiftskin's Den (faster skill recast and auto-attack buff)
- Twinblood Bite/Twinblood Thresh
- Twinfang Bite/Twinfang Thresh
Viper Positional Skills
A few skills in the Dual Wield and Doubleblade Combos have positional requirements, which increase the damage inflicted based on the direction from which you attack the boss.
Here are all the positional skills for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Flanksting Strike
- Flanksbane Fang
- Hunter's Coil
- Hindsting Strike
- Hindsbane Fang
- Swiftskin's Coil
Core Viper Mechanics
As you use your Dual Wield and Doubleblade Combos, you fill up two different resources: Rattling Coil Charges and Serpent Offerings, allowing you to use even more powerful combos.
Rattling Coil Charges

- Every time you use the Doubleblade skills, Dreadwinder, or Pit of Dread, you gain a charge of Rattling Coil, up to a maximum of three. Each charge allows you to cast the ranged skill, Uncoiled Fury, followed by two oGCD skills in a specific order: Uncoiled Twinfang > Uncoiled Twinblood.
Serpent Offerings

- Every time you use a Dual Wield Combo finisher or the second and third skills in the Doubleblade Combo, your Serpent Offerings Gauge slowly fills up to a maximum of 100. Once it reaches 50, you can use the Reawaken Combo, consuming the Serpent Offerings. The number of actions in the Reawaken Combo is indicated by the charges in the Anguine Tribute Counter at the bottom of the Serpent Offerings Gauge.
- Additionally, you can use the Serpent's Ire skill to get free use of the Reawaken Combo without requiring any Serpent Offerings.
Here's the full Reawaken Combo for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Reawaken (combo starter)
- First Generation
- First Legacy (oGCD)
- Second Generation
- Second Legacy (oGCD)
- Third Generation
- Third Legacy (oGCD)
- Fourth Generation
- Fourth Legacy (oGCD)
- Ouroboros (combo finisher)
Also read: How to quickly level up Viper in Final Fantasy 14?
Best Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail Viper opener and rotation
Viper Opener
Here is the most optimal opener for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Dread Fangs
- Serpent's Ire
- Swiftskin's Sting
- Dreadwinder
- Gemdraught of Dexterity (Potion)
- Hunter's Coil
- Twinfang Bite
- Twinblood Bite
- Swiftskin's Coil
- Twinblood Bite
- Twinfang Bite
- Reawaken
- First Generation
- First Legacy
- Second Generation
- Second Legacy
- Third Generation
- Third Legacy
- Fourth Generation
- Fourth Legacy
- Ouroboros
- Hindsting Strike
- Death Rattle
- Uncoiled Fury
- Uncoiled Twinfang
- Uncoiled Twinblood
- Uncoiled Fury
- Uncoiled Twinfang
- Uncoiled Twinblood
- Dreadwinder
- Uncoiled Fury
- Uncoiled Twinfang
- Uncoiled Twinblood
- Hunter's Coil
- Twinfang Bite
- Twinblood Bite
- Swiftskin's Coil
- Twinblood Bite
- Twinfang Bite
What is the optimal rotation for Viper in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail?
Follow these rules for the optimal Viper rotation in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail:
- Start the battle with the opener.
- Maintain self-buffs and the Noxious Gnash debuff by using the Dual Wield and Doubleblade Combos.
- Use Serpent's Ire for the free Reawaken Combo when available.
- Execute the Reawaken Combo immediately after using Serpent's Ire or whenever you have 50 or more Serpent Offerings.
- Use the Doubleblade combo whenever available.
- Spend Rattling Coil Charges on the Uncoiled Fury Combo.
- Ensure that the Rattling Coil Charges and Serpent Offerings Gauge don't exceed their maximum limits to avoid wasting them.
Additionally, there are four essential abilities that aren't part of your rotation but can aid you in specific situations. These are:
- True North: Use this ability to nullify positional requirements when you can't meet them, preventing any damage loss.
- Feint: This ability reduces the enemy's outgoing Physical Damage.
- Second Wind: This ability is helpful in dire situations, as it heals you for a small amount.
- Arm's Length: Use this ability to prevent knockbacks from certain boss abilities.
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