Where the next Final Fantasy 14 expansion will take place is a secret to players, but Emet Selch's hints from Endwalker might tell us. The developers of FF14 at Square Enix, led by Yoshi-P, have yet to divulge any information about the next expansion. This is expected, given that there's still a lot of content to come before it's finished. But that doesn't mean we don't have some clues.
At the conclusion of the expansion before FF14 Dawntrail, Endwalker, the character Emet Selch imparted some interesting advice to the player. In a cutscene at the end of the MSQ, he brought up several apparent locations around the in-game world of Eorzea that players had yet to see. Though we didn't know this at the time, one of those hints was about Tuliyollal.
In this article, we examine Emet Selch's hints about possible locations for the next expansion in Final Fantasy 14.
Possible locations for the next Final Fantasy 14 expansion

Though we aren't sure where the newest FF14 expansion may take place, we can make some educated guesses based on what we know. The most prominent information we have comes from Emet Selch's dialogue in Endwalker. Based on what he said about the different places that the Warrior of Light should travel to, we can see which seems most likely to house an expansion.
Below is what Emet Selch said about these mysterious places:
"Tell me, have you been to the ruins beneath the waters of the Bounty? Or the treasure islands beyond the frozen waters of Blindfrost, in Othard's north? The fabled golden cities of the New World? The sacred sites of the forgotten people of the South Sea Isles? What about Meracydia, the southern continent? Do you know aught of its present state of affairs?"
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Since the "New World" refers to Tuliyollal, we can guess that some of the other locations are likely to be expansion zones. These are Meracydia, the islands beyond Blindfrost, and the ruins of The Bounty. We can cross off the South Sea Isles, as this is the location of the Aloalo Island variant dungeon.

Meracydia has been mentioned before in FF14 lore and can even be seen on the planet of Hydaelyn from space. This area is said to have been nearly destroyed by the Allagan Empire, its once vibrant and diverse nature reduced to ashes. Given the prevalence of this lore and how it ties into the Allagan Empire, there are several ways Square Enix could make this an expansion location.
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The islands beyond the Blindfrost are also a likely candidate for a new game locale. This area is Northeast of Othard and hasn't been explored in the lore. As such, it would provide plenty of space to create a new zone. This location would also be close to where Stormblood took place, giving devs a chance to bring those story elements back.
The final likely zone is the ruins of The Bounty, a stretch of sea Northwest of Thavnair. This area of the map is largely obscured when shown to players, meaning the devs wouldn't be limited to what they could place there going by previous lore. The area is also Southeast of the Garlean Empire, which could provide a chance to revisit that zone and tie it into the expansion's plot.