Final Fantasy XIV’s Jeuno The First Walk Alliance Raid is the first of the Final Fantasy 11 raids we’re going to get in the Dawntrail expansion. Filled with familiar music, faces, and encounters, it’s a real trip back in time for players like me who actively played FF11 back in the day — or even recently! It can be a challenging raid if you aren’t paying attention, but the rewards are equally great.
Now that the FF14 update 7.1 has launched and this raid is live, you can pick up item level 720 gear, though only one piece per run, and some great minions/cards. That said, while you can only get one piece of gear a run, you can farm this one until you have everything you want, instead of only doing it once a week.
Here is an overview of every boss you'll encounter in Final Fantasy XIV's Jeuno The First Walk Alliance Raid.
All bosses in Jeuno The First Walk Alliance Raid in Final Fantasy XIV
While there are eight sections of Jeuno The First Walk in Final Fantasy XIV, there are only four bosses to deal with. Trust us though, these bosses are more than enough to test you. In the guide below, you'll find tips to deal with them, as well as their most potent attacks.

The later ones present tons of ground mechanics to navigate around. While the bosses are challenging, it’s nothing you can’t deal with. As long as you’ve unlocked the raid, are level 100 in a combat class, and have an average 695 item level, you can take part.
All bosses in Jeuno The First Walk
- Prishe of the Distant Chains
- Fafnir the Forgotten
- The Ark Angels
- Shadow Lord
1) Prishe of the Distant Chains

Prishe of the Distant Chains is the first boss in Final Fantasy XIV's Jeuno The First Walk. She's also incredibly interesting, to boot. As you fight her, she’ll display three telegraphs for her abilities. Depending on how many times she says “Wait for it…” will determine where you need to stand to not get hit.
Later in the fight, you’ll also have to deal with her dropping AOE attacks at the same time. So, you’ll not only have to watch where you’re standing, but also how far away from her you need to be standing. The most interesting part of this fight is when she sets out Crystalline Thorns and then calls out for Auroral Uppercut — the attack with the launch trajectory.
You’ll have to determine how far away she plans to hit you, so you can land safely on the ground, and not in the spikes, as I did the first time this happened.
2) Fafnir the Forgotten

At first, this can feel like an incredibly frustrating boss fight. There’s lots of AOE and stuff to move out of, and you’ll have to do it quickly. However, this Final Fantasy XIV boss fight in Jeuno The First Walk isn’t too bad. There are some relatively simple things to keep an eye out for. Early in the fight, for example, he’ll show you all three of his Offensive Posture moves, with a dialogue line on screen.
That way, you can see what the boss is about to do in Final Fantasy XIV before it triggers the next deadly attack. Fafnir will also occasionally summon adds that will need to be dealt with, so keep an eye out for friends.
The hardest part about Fafnir during Final Fantasy XIV’s Jeuno The First Walk is Hurricane Wing. It’s a chaotic blend of hurricanes and wind that can knock you up and drop you hard. You have to be very careful about where you stand in this fight.
3) Ark Angels

The Ark Angels look like a group of players, clad in black. They each have their own annoying attacks to deal with, and constantly move and flood the screen with dangerous things to avoid. Some players tend to pull the Ark Angels into two different groups, while others prefer to AOE them down together.
It’s faster to separate them and deal with two groups, one at a time, but either strategy works. In my experience, we kept them mostly split apart during Final Fantasy XIV’s Jeuno The First Walk. Tanks also have to keep an eye out for Cloudsplitter, which is an AOE Magical Tankbuster.
It’s really just a matter of hitting hard and not standing in stuff. The most important thing is knowing when to use Interject as a tank, to not get caught in one of two raid-wipe attacks.
4) Shadow Lord

The final part of Final Fantasy XIV’s Jeuno The First Walk is no joke — the Shadow Lord. This battle is very much like a game of SIMON. You have to remember what went on in order, especially towards the end of the fight.
There are lots of AOE attacks going off, thanks to the Shadow Lord, which is frustrating enough. Then, he’ll start doing them concurrently, and then, later in the fight, summon Shadow Clones to also perform huge sweeping AOE attacks. If that weren’t frustrating enough, he periodically walls off the map, locking players into a tiny space of the battlefield.
He can also use Echoes of Agony to hit a player with five hits of magical damage in an AOE. It's a multi-stack though, so get ready for it.
Then, you’ll have to position yourself in the right places at the right times so you don’t get pushed deep into the fire. This is not incredibly difficult — provided you’re paying attention to where you are on the map. Classes with movement abilities will do quite well here.
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