Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure has been live for a week or so now, and I’ve been diving deep into the world of Tyria. Though this expansion has been labled as a smaller one than previous releases, I have really enjoyed what’s been on offer so far. With two maps, a rich story, and a pair of Strike Missions, Secrets of the Obscure brings some fresh content to the already content-rich world of GW2. While it’s not perfect, I’ve really been having fun getting back into the game.
Admittedly, I missed out a bit on the last expansion or two, because there are only so many hours in the day. I was worried that because I missed out on some content that I wouldn’t be strong enough, or wouldn’t be able to keep up. Thankfully, that’s not an issue.
The main story of this expansion goes across 10 chapters and has really hooked me. The character interactions and twists have been enjoyable to experience, so I won’t spoil any of it here.
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure’s story in brief

I don’t want to spoil Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure for fans, so I’ll briefly go over the story. This expansion takes place right after the end of the Dragon Cycle, and the death of Soo-Won - Elder Dragon of Water and Life. Aurene has become the One Elder Dragon, but peace hasn’t really settled in.
The Wizard’s Tower, a famous location in Guild Wars’ lore, has vanished. It previously hovered quietly over Garenhoff for centuries. It may not be a coincidence, but a demonic race, the Kryptis, have begun invading both Tyria, and Amnytas - the region where the Wizard’s Court and the Astral Ward watch over the world. Literally - it floats miles up in the sky.
The Kryptis threat has caused the Wizard’s Court and the Astral Ward to reveal themselves and help the common folk deal with the demonic forces banging on their proverbial door. The heroes have a lot of work ahead of them in this Guild Wars 2 expansion.
What’s new in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure?
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure is a shorter expansion than previous offerings, but that doesn’t mean the content is brief. You have two new maps to explore, and the new Wizard’s Tower Outpost. The Wizard’s Tower serves as a new hub, where you can craft, group up, and just relax and chat with other players.

The two new maps are pretty vast and fun to explore. There are lots of floating islands you traverse, thanks to the power of the Skyscale mount. However, if you don’t have a Skyscale, that’s not an issue. You can borrow one for as long as you’re exploring the new areas.
This does lead to my new favorite feature: A streamlined Skyscale acquisition. I don’t have the mount because I wasn’t active when it was added to Guild Wars 2. However, by completing the Skyscale mastery track, I can unlock the mount permanently. Those who already have it can gain additional benefits for theirs, so everyone wins.

One of the major gameplay additions to the game was the Kryptis Rifts. Through the story, you’ll unlock the power to detect these rifts. Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure will have players sealing off these rifts, so the demonic forces cease invading our world.
These rifts have tier levels, with the Rift Leaders getting up to Champion Level in power. However, with even a few players taking part, these get really easy, really fast. I have seen players complain about not getting to hit enemies to get credit for Rifts. That’s something that can be balanced with time, though.
Combat remains the same, though each profession (class) gains a new mastery/weapon that they can use, which is a neat addition. I didn’t explore this much, as I already had weapons that I wanted to use. That said, I like that as an option.

Finding the Rifts requires you to have the Heart of the Obscure, which you unlock early in the story. However, the icon for it is very small, and at the bottom of the screen. That part was less enjoyable. There's more to the Heart, though. You can also use it to open special doors and reward chests, and also create items to help explore these floating islands a bit easier.
Clearing the Rifts felt good as a gameplay loop, even if some of them were woefully far away from one another. I wound up just teleporting to another waypoint, just to see if I could get closer, since it took a while to get the Skyscale Mastery points.
You also have the Wizards Vault, which serve as daily/weekly/quarterly goals to complete. I found myself logging in just to work on these, and get the rewards they offer. It also had me considering parts of the game that I tend to skip - such as PVP. There’s plenty to do, even if the expansion itself is short.
The aesthetics of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure are remarkable

I really want to highlight the visuals of this expansion, because they really are incredible. I loved the various environments across the floating fractals. Each one seemed to tell a different story from the MMO’s past, with its own aesthetic. Visually Guild Wars 2 really stands out here, and so does the voice cast. I’ve always liked the sound and look of GW2 though, and Secrets of the Obscure is no exception.
Since I didn’t have a Skyscale before this expansion, I was stuck going very slowly across the expansion. While this became frustrating, it allowed me to really take in all the sights and sounds of the floating islands.
In Conclusion

There’s been a lot of talk on whether or not Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure is worth it or not. It is a smaller expansion, so some fans have been disappointed by that. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed the MMO again, and I’m glad to come back to it. There are only so many hours in the day to play MMORPGs, but I’ve really loved the story of Secrets of the Obscure.
It’s a rich, storytelling experience, with sharp gameplay and a brilliant visual design. The Rift Bosses can be very easy with a group, and if you aren’t strong enough, can be frustrating solo. Some players are going to be let down by the lack of Strike Missions, but the ones on offer were certainly fun.

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure shows that an MMO doesn’t have to raise its level cap every single expansion. It’s been years since they increased it and it’s perfectly fine. Instead, you add to your Masteries. If you’ve missed expansion content, you can always go back and pick things up at your pace thanks to this system.
All in all, Secrets of the Obscure has been a satisfying expansion to play. I still have much to do, but I’m glad to be along for the ride again.
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

Platforms: PC, MacOS
Reviewed On: PC (code provided by ArenaNet)
Release Date (Secrets of the Obscure): August 22, 2023
Developer: ArenaNet
Publisher: NCSoft