Dungeons in Elder Scrolls Online are 4-player battle content with multiple bosses separated by heaps of lesser enemy packs. They can be experienced in Normal and Veteran difficulties. The final bosses in Veteran dungeons can be further enhanced with Hard modes. This allows players to experience the bosses in a variety of ways.
Elder Scrolls Online features base dungeons released with its launch and DLC dungeons added with each major chapter and their subsequent DLCs. The latter are extremely challenging and reward rare skins, titles, mementos, personalities, and more. This article lists the hardest dungeons in the game.
5 dungeons that dominate in Elder Scrolls Online
5) Earthen Root Enclave

Earthen Root Enclave is one of the DLC dungeons added with the Lost Depths DLC in Elder Scrolls Online. There are 3 main bosses and 3 secret optional bosses in the dungeon. The secret bosses provide buffs to the players, like increased damage dealt, resources, and max health.
Archdruid Devyric is the final boss of the dungeon and has a plethora of reaction-based mechanics like Exploding Rocks, Lightning Pillar, Lightning Bolts, Fire Wolves, and more. The mechanics require players to react quickly and avoid the AOEs or explosions.
Devyric can also transform into a bear, where he heals about 20% of his max health. He switches back and forth between his different forms, so players have to deal with the mechanics as well as his unavoidable self-healing.
4) Stone Garden

Stone Garden is the dungeon added with the Stonethorn DLC in the Elder Scrolls Online. There are 3 main bosses in the dungeon with their distinct Hard modes. Another unique mechanic in the dungeon is potion crafting by obtaining essences that buff players by enhancing their damage, health, and recovery.
Arkasis, the Mad Alchemist, is the final boss of the dungeon with a myriad of mechanics. The boss alternates between phases of additional enemies and the "Werewolf Behemoth".
The Werewolf Behemoth is a complex phase in this battle where players transform into Werewolf Behemoths and are responsible for their individual Stone Husks. They have multiple new skills with specific uses against the various mechanics in this phase.
3) Scrivener's Hall

Scrivener's Hall is a DLC dungeon with 3 main bosses added with the Necrom Chapter in Elder Scrolls Online. The secrets in this dungeon, unfortunately, do not provide any buffs to the players. Instead, they give extra loot like treasure maps and item set pieces.
Valinna is the end boss in the dungeon who is accompanied by a giant spider called Lamikhai. Players have to constantly deal with the mechanics of both bosses while dropping meteors away from the party.
Immolation Trap is one of the trickiest mechanics used by Valinna in the dungeon, where players have to stand inside an AOE until it explodes. Leaving the AOE too early is instant death. It is especially hard to do with all the other mechanics as they require plenty of movement around the arena.
2) Graven Deep

Graven Deep is the other DLC dungeon added with the Lost Depths DLC in Elder Scrolls Online. There are 3 main bosses and 3 secret bosses in the dungeon. The secret bosses reward buffs to the max stamina, magika, health, and 50% mitigation to the characters with a cooldown.
Zelvraak the Unbreathing is the final boss of the dungeon that offers a substantial challenge. The Fear mechanic can catch players off guard by making them unable to control their character movements.
However, the Sea Orb is the bane of the fight. Zelvraak frequently summons an Orb, which descends and explodes upon landing, wiping the entire party. Players have to keep the Orb afloat by attacking it to survive.
1) Coral Aerie

Coral Aerie is one of the DLC dungeons added with the Ascending Tide DLC in Elder Scrolls Online. It consists of 3 main bosses and 4 secret optional bosses. However, defeating the optional bosses is recommended as they provide buffs to the player's HP, resources, and Critical by 10%.
All the main bosses have their separate Hard modes and are quite challenging, even for veteran players. However, the final boss, Varallion, is in a league of its own.
Varallion is assisted by two gryphons throughout the fight, spawning at different intervals. They deal ample damage and need to be killed as fast as possible. In Hard mode, their spawn timings overlap, making survival especially challenging.