The Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail expansion launched in early access on Friday, June 28, 2024, giving players who pre-ordered it a chance to enjoy the new content early. However, registering the code for this expansion can be somewhat confusing, as even players using the Steam client have to register it on their Mog Station account separately. Additionally, those who pre-ordered the expansion have to register two different codes.
This guide covers everything you need to know to activate the FF14 Dawntrail code on Steam, Windows, and Mac.
How do you register the Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail code?
Regardless of whether your FF14 service account is linked to the Steam client, you must register the Dawntrail code on Mog Station. Depending on whether you are a Windows/Mac or Steam user and where you purchased the game, you will receive the codes either via the order page and email or directly through your Steam account, respectively.
If you pre-ordered the title, you would receive two codes: the Dawntrail Early Access/Pre-order Bonus Code and the Dawntrail Full Game Code. Players who purchased the expansion for the Windows/Mac client will receive the full game code after July 2, 2024, while Steam players will acquire it on the day of purchase.
To access the Dawntrail codes for the Steam client, follow these steps:
- Open your Steam Library and select Final Fantasy XIV Online.
- Go to the game's settings.
- Under the Manage option, select CD Keys.
Registering the early access code allows you to play the game from June 28, 2024, to July 5, 2024. However, you must also register the full game code before July 5; otherwise, your access to the Dawntrail expansion will be rescinded until you register it.
Also read: How to start Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail main story?
To register the Dawntrail Full Game Code for FF14, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Mog Station account.
- Select the "Additional Expansions" under "Games & Additional Services."
- Choose the platform your service account is registered to.
- Select "Registration Code Entry" under "Registration Method."
- Enter the 20-digit code and click "Next" to register the FF14 Dawntrail Full Game Code.
Since the early access period is over, you must enter the full game code to play the new expansion. However, you can still redeem the pre-order bonus code to acquire the bonus items. This code will be valid until December 31, 2024, after which you won't be able to redeem these items anymore.
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