The Forsaken Giant in Once Human is a Rift boss that you will encounter inside a Monolith, similar to other Rift Entities like the Ravenous Hunter and Arachsiam. As a level 70 Rift Entity, this giant resides in the Forsaken Monolith located in the Red Sands region, which you can access after activating the given number of Rift Anchors in the area.
Otherwise known as "Mensdevoran" on certain servers, The Forsaken Giant is one of the tougher bosses you will face, and this guide will explain how you can defeat it in Once Human.
Once Human: Forsaken Giant boss guide

After getting into the boss arena, shoot the Forsaken Giant to start the battle. Hitting weak spots for critical damage is very important, as the boss has a large health pool. The weak spot will move between one of the following positions on his body:
- Left shoulder
- Right shoulder
- Left palm
- Right palm
- Face
- Chest
- Stomach
The weak spot will start glowing red when the boss moves and attacks. You can hit all over the Giant's body, but hitting the glowing spots will deal more damage.
Slam attack:
The boss will start its attack with a slam, and you can easily anticipate it as the boss will raise his left or right fist before slamming, and the weak spot on the shoulder will start glowing. To avoid the shockwave, move in the opposite direction of the slam and jump. This will give you a small window of time to hit the glowing weak spot.
Sweep attack:
The Forsaken Gaint also has the sweep attack, where he will sweep an arm that almost covers the entire arena. You can anticipate the direction by observing the glowing spots as before. When you spot the glow, run to the far opposite side of the arena to avoid damage, and pass the flowers on either platform to stay safe. From that position, you have a good vantage point to target the weak spot on his arm.
Also check out: Once Human Arachsiam boss guide
Forsaken Giant's tears:
Once you have hit the weak spots enough, the boss will start to cry and guard his next weak spot, likely his head. While he cries, his tears will spawn Gnawers and Handling Giant Flower Buds. Grab one of these buds and throw it toward the weak spot. This will paralyze the boss and allow you to shoot the glowing spot.

During this attack, the boss' weak spot on his stomach will glow red, and he will start vomiting projectiles, spawning additional Gnawers and Flower Buds like before. Throw a flower bud at his stomach to make him drop his guard and then attack the weak spot.
Red light mark on the player:
If you or a groupmate is marked with a red beam of light, the boss will target that player with a slam attack and attempt to destroy the platforms. Each platform can withstand two hits before breaking on the third. Keep moving across the platforms to spread the damage and save the platforms.
Read more: Once Human Shadow Hound boss guide
Red geysers:

The boss’s final attack involves spawning red geysers that deal AoE damage. During this attack, red circles appear on the ground, which spew geysers. These geysers might appear a couple of times during the fight, and all you need to do is stay out of it.
The Forsaken Giant fight does not have any phases as such, and the attacks mentioned above come roughly one after the other and repeat throughout the battle. It's a challenging fight, so make sure to bring plenty of ammo and healing. Teaming up with someone can make it easier, but it's possible to tackle it solo as well.
Once Human: Forsaken Giant rewards

After defeating the Giant, you can win the Nutcracker Deviant Companion. Apart from that, you can win the following items:
- Energy Links
- Tier V Weapon
- Tier V Weapon Mods
- Stardust Source
- Electronic Parts
- Eclipse Cortex Level Three
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