The Megalodon in Sea of Thieves represents a colossal, toothed threat in your seafaring escapades. Embarking on a quest, you'll become skilled in the lost art of prehistoric shark dueling, equipped with vital knowledge and tactics to triumph over this powerful adversary. Be ready to shift the balance of power in your direction and seize your deserved standing as a valiant shark conquisseur.
From understanding the beast's behavior to mastering precision strikes, we'll teach you the best tactics to take down this legendary beast so you can claim victory (and some sweet loot) while keeping your ship afloat.
How to defeat a Megalodon in Sea of Thieves?
The Megalodon in Sea of Thieves is a terrifying giant shark lurking in the depths. While these encounters can be thrilling, they can also leave your ship in splinters. With the right strategy, you can turn the tables on this ocean predator and emerge victorious.
Currently, there are five variants of Megalodon in Sea of Thieves:
- Hungering One
- Crested Queen
- Shadowmaw
- Ancient Terror
- Shrouded Ghost (this variant does not exist. If you have killed it, pics or it didn't happen)
Steps to beat a Megalodon in Sea of Thieves
1) Summon the beast (not really)
Contrary to Sea of Thieves lore, you cannot summon a Megalodon using Merrick's shanty.
A Megalodon is a random spawn that can appear anytime, anywhere. Whether you just spent a few hours stacking FoTDs or if you are amidst a heated PvP battle - the Megalodon can appear and attack out of nowhere!
Megalodons have a radius of attack. Leaving this radius will cause it to stop attacking you.
2) Fierce combat
Fighting a Megalodon in Sea of Thieves is extremely difficult, so pay close attention. Just keep firing canons till they die. Now, isn't that very difficult?
A Megalodon's attack pattern is very simple. It will circle your ship in a radius, allowing you to fire a volley of cannons. Its only attack is a frontal charge baring its jaws. This attack will knock back your pirate, and your ship will sustain considerable damage.
Although this attack is easily avoided, fire at least three cannons at its bared jaws, and the Megalodon's attack will fall short. This also does considerable damage to the Megalodon. A win-win scenario for all pirates.
The difficulty of a Megalodon depends on the size of the ship and crew, like all other world events. The approximate number of cannonballs needed to beat a Megalodon are:
- Sloop: 10 - 15 cannonballs
- Brigantine: 15 - 20 cannonballs
- Galleon: 30-35 cannonballs
3) Keep repairing
Keep repairing your ship when it suffers damages from Megalodon's charge attack. Forgetting to repair your ship might end you up in deep waters, quite literally.
4) Claim the spoils
Like all events, defeating the Megalodon in Sea of Thieves is denoted by a sound cue, and the loot spawns up in the water shortly.
Any variant of this monster drops the following loot:
- Four to six pieces of Megalodon meat
- Five to 12 random Treasure items
- Regular, Ashen, and Cursed Treasure Chests
- Skeleton Captain’s Chests
- Stronghold Chests
- Regular and Ashen Trinkets
- Regular and Ashen Trade Good Crates
- Regular and Ashen Bounty Skulls
- Skeleton Captain’s Skulls
- Stronghold Skulls
- Mermaid Gems
- Collector's Chests with Gold and other small Treasure
Selling Megalodon meat after cooking helps increase your Hunter's Call reputation.
Commendations for defeating Megalodons in Sea of Thieves
As of Season 11, Sea of Thieves offers the following commendations for defeating Megalodons:
Season 11 of Sea of Thieves has seen a new overhaul in the game, and new players are dipping their feet in Sea of Thieves. With this knowledge that sets you apart from the newbies, you're now well-equipped to face the Megalodon in Sea of Thieves.
Remember, while the battle may be fierce, staying calm, coordinating with your crew, and aiming true will see you emerge victorious. So set sail, brave pirate, and conquer the seas, one toothy menace at a time.