Atlyss has been a surprising entry into the online RPG market. With its old-school vibe and multiple layers of character customization, this new title has far more to offer than expected. The wide range of character designs and races has got many wondering if their playable character can be customized after the initial creation or be changed in any way.
Everyone will be pleased to know that any playable character can be further customized after the first creation via an interactable in-game object called "Mirror of Illusion." However, the races of these characters cannot be changed.
This article lists the different ways you can change your character's appearance.
Where to find Mirror of Illusion to change appearance in Atlyss
The Mirror of Illusion is used to change your playable character's appearance in Atlyss. This includes altering features such as body texture, hair color, your race's mouth, ears (depending on the equipped race), and more.

Once you arrive in the Sanctum during your initial playtime in Atlyss, look for Angela and the World Portal building.
This building is in front of the Sanctum waypoint, identified by a bunch of crates beside the main entrance. Angela can be found on the right after entering the building. She is a white bunny with long ears and pink glasses.

Head to the back side of the building, and you will encounter a purple rectangular structure on the wall, which is the Mirror of Illusion. However, if you interact with it, the game will ask you for one of the in-game materials/currencies that will allow you to change your appearance. This currency is the Illusion Stone, obtainable via various means.
How to get Illusion Stone in Atlyss
There are currently a couple of easy ways to get Illusion Stones. However, the journey to getting them can be a bit long.
To start, head to Sally's store within the Sanctum. After exiting Alice's building, take a right, and the first shop you see with a green symbol on top of the entrance is Sally's store. Interact with her, and choose the "I Want to Trade" option.
One Illusion Stone will cost you 300 Crowns from Sally's store.

The other source is a rare chance as it is a final reward drop from Dungeons. Running higher-level Dungeons will slightly increase the chance of drops. Hence, it is safer to stock up on currency, and then purchase the Illusion Stone from Sally, especially if you are in a rush to change your character's appearance.