Diablo 4 is filled with some challenging dungeons and strongholds that you can raid to fight some of the best bosses the game offers, aside from interesting rewards to unlock. The strongholds, in particular, are fantastic sources of farming mid to late-game resources and weapons in Diablo 4. The strongholds in Diablo 4 can be compared to enemy camps from other open-world RPG titles, which you can liberate to unlock a safe haven for you and your allies.
Although conquering a stronghold takes some time and can often feel like a grind, it is one of the best ways to level up your character while improving your combat expertise.
That said, here's a comprehensive guide on how to complete the Nostrava Stronghold in Diablo 4 with ease.
How to easily conquer the Nostrava Stronghold in Diablo 4
The Nostrava Stronghold in Diablo 4 can be found west of the Fractured Peaks and slightly south of Kyovashad. The stronghold is situated within the Kyovashad region, between the Desolate Highlands and the easily identifiable Pallid Glade, slightly up north. Unlike most dungeons in the game, stronghold conquests do not begin as soon as you set foot in them.
Instead, you will have to visit their location and interact with the key NPC to start the conquest. With the Nostrava Stronghold, you must head to its location, step inside the ruined church and talk to the priestess there to initiate the stronghold conquest. Unlike most overworld activities, this quest features a rather compelling narrative.
After talking to the priestess, she will eventually reveal her true nature and light the church on fire. You must then leave quickly before coming face-to-face with hordes of cultist villagers. This marks the start of the Nostrava Stronghold conquest.
Here are the steps as well as a few tips and tricks to easily complete the Nostrava Stronghold in Diablo 4:
- After initiating the conquest, your first task is to search the villager huts and destroy the Demonic Effigies they're housing.
- The best way to destroy the effigies is to destroy the doors as you get in front of the huts.
- Naturally, as you go door-to-door to destroy the effigies, you will be ambushed by Nstrava cultists and demons, who you will need to deal with before resuming your hunt for the Demonic Effigies.
- Once you destroy enough effigies, you will be summoned back to the church, where you will have to fight the area's boss, Negala, one of Lilith's chosen.
- The fight against Negala is akin to the one against most succubus-type enemies, albeit with a few differences.
- Negala has a lot of health. However, she is susceptible to magic and melee attacks.
- Once you deplete Negala's health down to 75%, she will summon two more Succubi to aid her in battle.
- The additional reinforcements are easy to deal with if you're playing co-op. Otherwise, you must target one enemy at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed.
- The attacks to look out for the most are the lightning orbs the succubi can summon to deal a lot of damage. The enemies also have a special attack, summoning infernal energy after rushing towards you.
- Ranged and AOE (area of effect) attacks are the best against these enemies.
- Once you defeat both the succubi, you can once again focus all your attacks on Negala, who becomes relatively less aggressive after her health drops below 50%.
After defeating the boss, you must head uphill north of the village to reach the Wander's Shrine, where you can finally liberate the Nostrava Stronghold in Diablo 4.